Import from CSV - Moneydance changes categories
I import transactions in a csv file, and including a column specifying the category for each transaction.
- If there is no previous transaction for a payee (Description) Moneydance correctly applies the category from the csv file.
- If there is a previous transaction for the payee with the same category Moneydance correctly applies the category from the csv file;
- If there is a previous transaction for the payee but only with a different category Moneydance incorrectly applies a category from a previous transaction.
This makes the importing pricess prone to errors and means that I have to double check the categories a second time. Is there a way to change this behaviour?
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1 Posted by -Kevin N. on 09 Jul, 2024 12:48 PM
Hi treasurer,
How are you importing the CSV file?
1) File > Import
2) Extensions > CSV Importer
If it's 1) then, try 2).
If you need a hand setting up the CSV Importer, post a sample of your CSV file. Make sure that there is no sensitive information e.g. account numbers in the file before attaching it here.
-Kevin N. (not a member of Moneydance support)
2 Posted by treasurer on 09 Jul, 2024 02:06 PM
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for the reply. I have been using File > Import.
I will try the CSV Importer for my next import.
/Lionel Mackay
[email blocked] /
/Ipswich Choral SocietyRegistered Charity No 278866
3 Posted by -Kevin N. on 09 Jul, 2024 04:37 PM
Hi Lionel,
The Confirmation process may be playing into the issue you are seeing.
It is my understanding that the 'pool' of Description/Category combinations is made up of only those combinations that have been Confirmed. So, if I am correct, then it may take at least one instance of the desired combination to be Confirmed in order for Moneydance to be able to draw it from the pool.
Do keep us apprised of your findings. OK?
-Kevin N. (not a member of Moneydance support)
4 Posted by treasurer on 25 Jul, 2024 02:50 PM
I have now imported the next block of transactions.
I tried using the CSV Importer extension, but it generated a large number of errors so I wasn't able to complete it. It required setting up a template which I may not have done correctly, but it wasn't worth the time to try and fix it.
The import included a number of entries of new Description/Category combinations. In all cases the Description/Category combinations were new.
In every case where there had been previous entries matching the Description Moneydance assigned a Category that had been previously used with the Description, ignoring the Category in the import file.
In all cases where there had been no previous entries for the Description Moneydance correctly assigned the Category from the import file.
As I previously said this makes the importing process more difficult than it need be.
5 Posted by -Kevin N. on 25 Jul, 2024 04:56 PM
Hi Lionel,
Attach a sample of your CSV file so that I can try setting up the CSV Importer for you. Make sure that there is no sensitive information in the file. e.g. account numbers.
Of course, I can't guarantee that the CSV Importer will provide the results you are looking for, but it has been my experience that the CSV Importer is more robust in its performance than the built-in importer.
-Kevin N.
6 Posted by treasurer on 25 Jul, 2024 07:09 PM
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for the offer. That prompted me to have a look at the errors and
I found I could get the file to import correctly after editing the File
reader template to correct the date format and allow blanks in 3 of the
fields. Also I had to swap the payment and deposit assignments (!).
Once I had done that I found that all the Category assignments were correct.
Thank you for your advice and patience!
Kind regards,
/Lionel Mackay
[email blocked] /
/Ipswich Choral SocietyRegistered Charity No 278866
7 Posted by -Kevin N. on 25 Jul, 2024 07:25 PM
Hi Lionel,
Excellent! I'm glad to hear that you were able to get it working.
As you've discovered the CSV Importer is, let's say, unforgiving when setting up its File Readers. There is no room for error.
But anyway, thank you for reporting back with your results.
-Kevin N. (not a member of Moneydance Support)