MD running slow on laptop

yardy's Avatar


13 Jul, 2024 12:49 AM

I run MD 5139 on both a laptop and a mac mini and sync between them using icloud and also share a common backup file. The laptop is desperately slow, just about every action I take results in a spinning ball. Trying to scroll down a category pop up window is awful as nothing happens at first, then it jumps a mile down way past the item I am looking for, same happens going back up. Just selecting an item anywhere on the screen results in the spinning ball for a second or so. No other program on the laptop runs slow, Typing this request for help for example works just fine. Is there some control that limits the amount of memory MD can use ? I have 8 GB memory running MacOS 14.5 on a 1.1 Ghz Quad core intel i5.

Also on the laptop I have a 'restored file' which I have traced to a missing security definition, however the Mac Mini does not have that problem even after I start it after closing and syncing the laptop. If there was an issue with the file on the laptop and it synced why would it not show up on the Mac Mini ? After closing the Mac Mini MD file and syncing the Laptop still has the 'restored file' issue. This all suggests that the sync function is not working.

So I need help on these two issue please - maybe I should have opened two requests but somehow I believe they are related. The laptop seems to be doing a lot of work in the background that slows it down and that leads to the apparent missing security.

I note the comments about MacOS 14 and icloud sync but Sean suggested, when he work on another issue for me, that this latest MD would have instituted a new sync routine to resolve this issue.

  1. 1 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 13 Jul, 2024 05:19 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    To fix the iCloud slow issue switch to sync method Dropbox folders. If you do that, then report back on the other issue afterwards.

  2. 2 Posted by yardy on 13 Jul, 2024 07:23 PM

    yardy's Avatar

    Stuart, Thanks for the input. My posting of this problem was based upon what I thought I heard from Sean some months ago that had a fix for the MacOS 14 problem and it will be in future releases, which I am running. I have switch to dropbox and all is well. Still leaves me wondering why running and sync’ing on an Intel laptop was awful and yet running the same level of MD and the same data file and same MacOS on my Apple processor based Mac Mini worked just fine. Could this be a clue ?

    As to the second problem, I made sure my backup file was written by the Mac Mini which didn’t have the 'restored file' issue (both machines write to the same backup file) and then restored the laptop using that backup file. Again all is well.

    I will close problem.

  3. yardy closed this discussion on 13 Jul, 2024 07:24 PM.

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