Navy Federal downloading/importing transactions - DUPLICATES
I currently download my transactions and import them from Navy Federal. At the beginning of 2024 they updated their website and now require us to filter the dates we want to export.
Every option for QFX or OFX imports tons of duplicates. I use CSV file just to see how many actual transactions and those are correct yet I can't use that in your program.
Navy Federal is telling us to only use CSV file but you can't map debit and credit for them to upload to the correct location in the program.
I will say this was never a problem before they updated their website but I don't know how to get them to fix it. I have made two service tickets and get the same canned message about trying another browser, clear cache, reboot..... Then a week or so later it may work and then following month it breaks again.
Any ideas?
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1 Posted by doxieva on 22 Jul, 2024 03:17 PM
After multiple attempts importing and deleting the QFX file I am noticing the duplicates duplicate again as there are not 6 of each item. Is there something else I need to clear prior to importing data again?