Transaction Duplication issue (again)

drsfg's Avatar


03 Aug, 2024 11:25 PM

Downloaded the latest update yesterday (#5142). Well, the transaction duplication function is broken again. When you try to duplicate a transaction (as a new split line) it shows up but you cannot save it. You have to enter it as a completely new split line transaction.

  1. 1 Posted by dwg on 04 Aug, 2024 12:36 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    I'm not sure what you are doing exactly but I was able to duplicate an old split transaction, edit the splits and change one of the amounts, clicked on done, then was able to either press the enter key and the transaction saves or if I clicked on another transaction it asked me if I wanted to save it and it did so.

  2. 2 Posted by drsfg on 04 Aug, 2024 01:02 AM

    drsfg's Avatar

    Just tried it again. It is not working. Are you using the very latest upgrade, #5142?


  3. 3 Posted by dwg on 04 Aug, 2024 01:18 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    Yes I am using build 5142 on Linux.

  4. 4 Posted by drsfg on 04 Aug, 2024 02:07 AM

    drsfg's Avatar

    Well, I’m using a Mac, so there’s the difference.


  5. 5 Posted by dtd on 04 Aug, 2024 03:46 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    I use a Mac, and 5142.
    I did what dwg described as well as add a new split [since you mentioned "as a new split line"] and it worked fine.
     So, can you please describe the difference? Within the split, does "Done" not work? Can you not then hit Enter once you've hit Done? Can you describe in more detail your process and what does not save?

    Do all the splits go to categories, or does one go to an account, where there would then be "the other side" transaction? - just tested that as well, it's a little strange since the other side only shows the account part of the split, but I can save it, and it acts the way I would expect it to.

  6. 6 Posted by dtd on 04 Aug, 2024 04:01 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    I may have figured out what you are doing.

    Instead of duplicating a transaction, and then editing the splits, are you trying to not duplicate the transaction, but going into the splits and trying to duplicate a split? (using Duplicate Transaction)

    Indeed, I can't make that stick, once I hit "New Split" it just gives me a blank new split.

    Honestly, I don't know if "Duplicate Split" has ever worked, but you should know given you are doing it and declaring it broken. In what version did this work for you?

    I think it's similar to clicking "Show other side" for a split when there is no other side, (i.e. nothing happens), and Duplicate Split (yes it says Duplicate transaction) doesn't add a split, it just puts something at the bottom that can't properly be acted upon.

    Both dwg and I initially tested "Duplicate Transaction" and then edited the splits.

    Personally I don't see where Duplicate Split is that useful, as you can just say "New split" and enter the new information? Can you describe your use case here?

  7. 7 Posted by drsfg on 04 Aug, 2024 05:19 PM

    drsfg's Avatar

    This is exactly the problem. I am trying to duplicate the split line. It worked with the previous version (-5141) which was a fix for the duplicate transaction issue in the previous version to -5141 , which I noticed and reported on.

    Now, I’m getting old (I’m 74), and don’t remember things as well as I used to but my habits using Moneydance have not really changed since I started using it back in 2006, and I believe that I never had an issue doing this. If you want to reorder the split lines in order to, say, for example, add a split line with an earlier date so the list mimics a statement sent to you, the only way to do this is duplicate split lines to make way for the split you need to enter earlier. The original Quicken allowed you to insert a split line. Moneydance does not. (Which by the way, would be a nice addition to the program.)


  8. 8 Posted by dtd on 04 Aug, 2024 06:13 PM

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    Ok, now I'm confused again. What I consider a split and what you consider a split must be two different things. First, how do you put a different date for a split? (If I have three splits for a transaction, none of the three have a date field, only the transaction itself has a date.

    Second, doing what I described above (re duplicate split (duplicate transaction) within the split windows doesn't stick in 5141 either.

    Could you either show a screenshot of where you are when you do this, or describe in more detail exactly what happens? Specifically how you add a date to a split at all, much less an earlier date?

    I've attached what I do when "duplicating a split" (which doesn't work)... note it does say "edit split" at the top...

  9. 9 Posted by drsfg on 05 Aug, 2024 12:23 AM

    drsfg's Avatar

    You're misunderstanding me. I get statements from places like insurance companies which provide one check for a number of payments for examining patients, or I get one monthly statement from a vendor listing the patient orders I made for that month. And these individual companies all are paid through a buying group from which I get a monthly bill. Each one of the merchants I do business with gets a regular transaction line for that buying group bill. Within that merchant, split lines are used to list each patient that I ordered materials for. The split line contains the individual invoice number and the patient's name. I generally start building the split lines in anticipation of what I will receive at the end of the month. This is done so as to not have to suddenly enter a good 50 or more split lines at the end of the month to settle my accounts.

    When I try to duplicate a split line, I get a duplicate of that split but I try to press return to add it to the list but the return key does not work. I get nothing that says this split cannot be saved.

    Okay, so sometimes a receipt gets misplaced and has not been entered as a split in it's proper place. True, I can just add it to the bottom of the list of splits, but I like to keep them in numerical order just like the statement I get. So, if there is a mistake, I can rearrange the list by duplicating split lines and adding in the split by just overwriting the original split that has been duplicated. The way it now is, if I had 10 split lines and one at the very top of the split list was found to be missing, I would have to remove ALL the ones below where the missing split transaction is and re-enter ALL the ones I erased. That is absurd. Otherwise, all I can do is keep them as a hodge-podge which is messy because it doesn't mirror the statement I received.

  10. 10 Posted by dtd on 05 Aug, 2024 01:59 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    I was responding to your statement "add a split line with an earlier date " which you cannot do. Sounds like what you meant was "add some numbers at the beginning so they can sort somehow"... I can only go by what you type in the message.

    You are correct this does not work. It does not work in 5141 either. It does not work in 5118 or 2023.x(5064) - in fact those two do nothing when you say "Duplicate Transaction" in the edit split area. I surmise that this isn't really intended to work, as earlier versions didn't even do anything when Duplicate Transaction was used here.

    Can you please inform in which versions "Duplicate Transactions" within the Edit Splits did work the way you wanted? [my habits using Moneydance have not really changed since I started using it back in 2006, and I believe that I never had an issue doing this.]

  11. 11 Posted by drsfg on 05 Aug, 2024 02:26 AM

    drsfg's Avatar

    Do you really think I remember exactly which version it was where it worked? I don’t follow such things. I’m a user not a tester. I’m pretty sure it worked in the recent past. I recall doing it at least a few months ago.

    And note, when you delete a split it refers to the split as a transaction.


  12. 12 Posted by dwg on 05 Aug, 2024 02:39 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    I have a number of builds of Moneydance installed:

    2024 (5118)
    2024 (5142)

    In the first four, within the split dialog Duplicate transactions does nothing

    In 5142 duplicate does work but yes it does not save.

    There has been no reference to this that I know of so whether such functionality is supported to be there or not I do not know.

  13. 13 Posted by drsfg on 05 Aug, 2024 02:46 AM

    drsfg's Avatar

    I don’t have an answer for you. I just know at one point I was able to do it. Perhaps that could be added in a future release. It makes sense that it should be doable.


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