Reminders Disapearing
My reminders are disappearing.
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1 Posted by dtd on 10 Sep, 2024 07:09 PM
The rest of your question also seems to have disappeared.
Neither IK/MD nor other users (of which I am one) can resolve your problem given your four word post.
Please provide more detail, version of your software, and what seems to be occurring in at least a bit more detail, so we can actually help you.
2 Posted by craig.g.roberts... on 10 Sep, 2024 08:35 PM
My reminders are disappearing; reminders I have created have gone away when I look without me deleting them.
The reminders are no more! They have ceased to be! They have expired, shuffled off the mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!!
Version 2024.2 (5146).
3 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 10 Sep, 2024 08:36 PM
Grab help/show console. Post that here.
4 Posted by craig.g.roberts... on 10 Sep, 2024 08:39 PM
20240910-21:29:17.898: Starting Moneydance 2024.2 (5146)
20240910-21:29:17.898: Settings Folder: C:\Users\craig\.moneydance
20240910-21:29:17.900: OS: Windows 11 10.0 amd64
20240910-21:29:17.900: Architecture: intel64
20240910-21:29:17.900: Java: 21.0.2 (Eclipse Adoptium)
20240910-21:29:17.900: Is in sandbox: false; restricted file access: false
20240910-21:29:17.900: Library path: c:\program files\moneydance\jre\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\HP\HP One Agent;C:\Users\craig\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;
20240910-21:29:17.979: initialized extension 'Foresight' id: 'moneyforesight' (build: 0) in 0.03 seconds
20240910-21:29:17.979: initializing extensions...
20240910-21:29:18.052: initialized extension 'Balance Predictor' id: 'balpred' (build: 101) in 0.014 seconds
20240910-21:29:19.200: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20240910-21:29:19.352: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Calibri,name=Calibri,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Calibri-12
20240910-21:29:20.414: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Helvetica,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Helvetica-12
20240910-21:29:20.414: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Hack,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Hack-12
20240910-21:29:20.705: Font initialisation attempted from non-UI thread. Hopping over to dispatch thread...
20240910-21:29:20.710: Initializing fonts:
20240910-21:29:20.710: default: [[Dialog]]
20240910-21:29:20.710: printing: [[Agency FB, Dialog]]
20240910-21:29:20.710: monospaced: [[Calibri, Monospaced]]
20240910-21:29:20.710: coding: [[Hack, Monospaced]]
20240910-21:29:20.710: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20240910-21:29:20.710: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Agency FB,name=Agency FB,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Agency FB-12
20240910-21:29:20.710: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Calibri,name=Calibri,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Calibri-12
20240910-21:29:20.710: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Hack,name=Hack,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Hack-12
20240910-21:29:20.710: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20240910-21:29:20.710: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20240910-21:29:20.710: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=32] from descriptor: Dialog-32
20240910-21:29:20.710: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20240910-21:29:20.710: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20240910-21:29:20.710: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=14] from descriptor: Dialog-14
20240910-21:29:20.734: fonts resolved:
default: Dialog:12.0:style0
mono: Calibri:12.0:style0
coding: Hack:12.0:style0
print: Agency FB:12.0:style0
header: Dialog:14.0:style0
register: Dialog:11.0:style0
reportTitle: Dialog:32.0:style0
calendarTitle: Dialog:11.0:style0
reportHeader: Dialog:10.0:style0
detailTitle: Dialog:14.0:style0
20240910-21:29:21.189: Setting look and feel class to
20240910-21:29:21.298: Font initialisation attempted from non-UI thread. Hopping over to dispatch thread...
20240910-21:29:21.302: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20240910-21:29:21.302: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Agency FB,name=Agency FB,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Agency FB-12
20240910-21:29:21.302: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Calibri,name=Calibri,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Calibri-12
20240910-21:29:21.302: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Hack,name=Hack,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Hack-12
20240910-21:29:21.302: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20240910-21:29:21.302: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20240910-21:29:21.302: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=32] from descriptor: Dialog-32
20240910-21:29:21.302: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20240910-21:29:21.302: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20240910-21:29:21.302: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=14] from descriptor: Dialog-14
debtinsights: Initialised... Build:1003
debtinsights: ... widget name set to 'Debt Insights: CCards
20240910-21:29:21.425: initialized extension 'Debt Insights' id: 'debtinsights' (build: 1003) in 3.351 seconds
20240910-21:29:21.441: python.path: C:\Users\craig\.moneydance\python
20240910-21:29:21.441: python.cachedir: C:\Users\craig\.moneydance\python\cache
20240910-21:29:21.441: python.cachedir.skip: false
extract_data: initializer script running - doing nothing - will exit....
20240910-21:29:27.129: initialized extension 'Extract Data' id: 'extract_data' (build: 1041) in 0.849 seconds
findandreplace (0): 09-10 21:29:27.186|Initialized build 1218 ok
20240910-21:29:27.186: initialized extension 'Find and Replace' id: 'findandreplace' (build: 1218) in 0.031 seconds
20240910-21:29:27.808: initialized extension 'Import List' id: 'importlist' (build: 16) in 0.444 seconds
20240910-21:29:27.822: initialized extension 'Investment Reports - Investment Reports v 2.5' id: 'invextension' (build: 201) in 0.0 seconds
list_future_reminders: initializer script running - doing nothing - will exit....
20240910-21:29:27.917: initialized extension 'List Future Reminders' id: 'list_future_reminders' (build: 1029) in 0.095 seconds
mdcsvimporter2015: CSV Importer >> Initialised... Build:1001
20240910-21:29:27.938: initialized extension 'CSV Importer' id: 'mdcsvimporter' (build: 1001) in 0.005 seconds
20240910-21:29:28.028: initialized extension 'MoneyPie' id: 'moneyPie' (build: 1016) in 0.0 seconds
20240910-21:29:28.186: Exception invoking python script: ''; actionType=initializer
Error: NameError: global name 'moneydance_extension_loader' is not defined
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "extension(net_account_balances)", line 208, in <module>
File "extension(net_account_balances)", line 208, in <module>
NameError: global name 'moneydance_extension_loader' is not defined
20240910-21:29:28.186: initialized extension 'Custom Balances' id: 'net_account_balances' (build: 1051) in 0.137 seconds
20240910-21:29:28.376: initialized extension 'PayPal Importer for Moneydance - PayPal Importer' id: 'paypalimporter' (build: 11) in 0.006 seconds
20240910-21:29:28.386: initialized extension 'Security Price Entry' id: 'priceui' (build: 108) in 0.0 seconds
ratios (0): 09-10 21:29:28.435|Initialized build Build 1040 ok
20240910-21:29:28.435: initialized extension 'Ratios - Ratio Calculator' id: 'ratios' (build: 1040) in 0.018 seconds
security_performance_graph: initializer script running - doing nothing - will exit....
20240910-21:29:28.512: initialized extension 'Security Performance Graph' id: 'security_performance_graph' (build: 1012) in 0.077 seconds
20240910-21:29:28.577: initialized extension 'Quote Loader' id: 'securityquoteload' (build: 321008) in 0.037 seconds
Quote Load>INFO:21:29:28-main(Quote Load,Init) Started Build 321008.00
Quote Load>INFO:21:29:28-main(Quote Load,Init) Locale en_GB
20240910-21:29:28.592: initialized extension 'Stock Glance' id: 'stockglance' (build: 14) in 0.008 seconds
toolbox: initializer script running - performing some quick checks, logging diagnostics, then will exit....
20240910-21:29:28.884: initialized extension 'Toolbox' id: 'toolbox' (build: 1065) in 0.29 seconds
20240910-21:29:28.911: initialized extension 'Text File Importer - Text Import' id: 'txtimport' (build: 103) in 0.002 seconds
20240910-21:29:28.911: finished initializing all extensions
20240910-21:29:28.939: starting file opening routines...
20240910-21:29:28.939: opening last file: C:\Users\craig\OneDrive\Moneydance Documents\CER-20-09-15.moneydance
20240910-21:29:28.979: Loading dataset: C:\Users\craig\OneDrive\Moneydance Documents\CER-20-09-15.moneydance
set antialiasing to HRGB
Toolbox - quick information:
MD CONSOLE FILE LOCATION: 'C:\Users\craig\.moneydance\errlog.txt'
MD CONFIG/PREFERENCES LOCATION: 'C:\Users\craig\.moneydance\config.dict'
BACKUPS - Save Daily option: daily (config key: 'backup.scheme' value: 'every_x_days')
BACKUPS - Keep no more than: Infinity(Infinity) unique days of backups
BACKUPS - Separate Backup Foldr: True
BACKUPS - Backup Folder: 'C:\Users\craig\OneDrive\Documents\Moneydance Files\Backups' (backup location exists)
..key - 'backup.location': 'C:\Users\craig\OneDrive\Documents\Moneydance Files\Backups'
..key - 'backup.last_browsed': '<not set>'
..key - 'backup.last_saved': 'D:\'
..key - '_default_backup_dir': '<not set>'
System Default Locale Cty/Lang: 'GB' / 'en'
MD Preference Locale Ctry/Lang: 'GB' / 'en'
MD Locale Cty/Lang: 'GB' / 'en'
Moneydance decimal point: '.'
mdwin, handling parameters:
mdwin, handling parameters/files:
20240910-21:29:53.266: loading with 128 bit encryption key
20240910-21:29:53.357: loading with 128 bit encryption key
20240910-21:29:54.130: reading trunk data tiksync/trunk
20240910-21:29:58.936: trunk data loaded (4.806 seconds), checking for incremental updates
20240910-21:29:58.936: loading un-synced txn files...
20240910-21:29:58.986: loading synced txn files...
20240910-21:29:59.180: reading txn file 0ec4f5de-19fb-4813-808c-942af5f1001b.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.186: reading txn file 23525794-0468-4f50-b37c-526458444b30.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.187: reading txn file 2555629d-2406-4ece-b976-aadfbd31fe13.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.188: reading txn file 28e51155-e5b3-4e07-8464-42727b70cc05.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.188: reading txn file 348383a0-410a-4cb4-a19e-68ba07da8646.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.195: reading txn file 43b84c45-cfbe-471c-91fb-3b4715b8d680.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.195: reading txn file 441d4154-f340-44e8-8b25-0031f40710c9.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.203: reading txn file 4640d212-0959-4388-bc67-b57c4bc7c147.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.206: reading txn file 489f0f9c-e44a-4bc7-ad8e-376a7a50456d.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.206: reading txn file 490a5351-1431-4256-976e-bd23aa9d02d1.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.206: reading txn file 4a2f3886-d47d-49d4-8628-97be93eb3fa2.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.206: reading txn file 4ca6b31d-daa9-4642-a9e2-f67fd6287772.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.206: reading txn file 571535b9-db39-4d46-8565-7a9e4428c2a2.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.206: reading txn file 587a53b1-6594-4c2a-b775-9547f6526530.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.206: reading txn file 591525af-9198-4c00-a588-4a01c477ada7.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.219: reading txn file 67f69893-6d13-4815-ab6f-44d97a651955.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.219: reading txn file 6a8a1098-538a-46c7-81e3-3c6c8c6598fb.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.219: reading txn file 6a8ba1d9-ad84-400b-88d5-2b7ec163e6f6.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.219: reading txn file 86cad43b-b1cd-405f-b7af-2dd21ba52786.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.219: reading txn file 94377453-78ed-4ceb-9138-818494e0cff7.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.219: reading txn file 98e0c8bd-62f7-422e-baf7-4100516d2fb9.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.219: reading txn file a4c4b052-6e74-45c9-9ece-98d8f552c191.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.219: reading txn file aeef3d12-6e72-4b99-8c3a-11e5ea6e7582.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.234: reading txn file c8cdd0c8-881a-4699-8bdb-0d6f58e19758.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.234: reading txn file cdf67024-a7d6-43de-bdec-43972166814f.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.234: reading txn file e4bc9ea6-a4d2-4aaa-8a65-9021b99b256d.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.234: reading txn file f39abf2d-f2e4-44ce-8428-7ed2582fa856.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.234: reading txn file f4e5daad-1918-4c83-8c64-1a6c6931b5c2.mdtxn
20240910-21:29:59.234: finished loading / updating trunk data file
20240910-21:30:04.480: replacing root: null () with new root: My Finances (7d188ea1-4685-460f-86a8-895c7b7ffaf2
Info: no currencies found for UUID: 7b03de3d-01bd-4c8c-b480-29b56776a703 or oldID: 457020 from mod.acct:option_price=0.0&is_inactive=n&type=s&parentid=d149fb89-3cbd-42fc-ae39-737e72587d51&sbal=0&num_years=0&sec_dividend=0&obj_type=acct&id=54b4f454-ade6-4440-9e2f-03cf721d2fe8&currid=7b03de3d-01bd-4c8c-b480-29b56776a703&curr=457020&apr=0.0&maturity=39600000&sec_subtype=&strike=0&broker=&face_value=0&bond_type=0&cost_basis=y&compounding=0&hide=yes&month=0&sec_type=3&name=New Security&old_id=4625099&broker_ph=&comment=&sec_exchange=NYSE&option=y&ts=1704284933687
20240910-21:30:06.602: starting syncing via encryptedFS(GenericFSSyncFolder:dropbox_folder:base=C:\Users\craig\Dropbox\.moneydancesync:subpath=3479065e-27d5-441c-bd31-307db94c1496:) isPrimary=true
20240910-21:30:06.604: Starting syncing using folder C:\Users\craig\Dropbox\.moneydancesync\3479065e-27d5-441c-bd31-307db94c1496
20240910-21:30:07.015: MDPlus status undetermined or not activated
item count: 476
20240910-21:30:15.238: JVM status: cores: 8, maxmem: 6.61G, allocated: 1.82G, used: 1.43G, free: 395.01M
20240910-21:30:15.238: finished file opening routines
Quote Load>INFO:21:30:40-main(Quote Load,HandleEventFileOpened) Debug level set to INFO
Quote Load>INFO:21:30:40-main(Quote Load,sendAuto) Syncing - delay set
20240910-21:30:40.881: Scheduling next reminders auto-commit for Tue Sep 10 21:30:45 BST 2024 (was previously scheduled for Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 GMT 1970)
20240910-21:30:40.881: Scheduling next reminders auto-commit for Tue Sep 10 21:30:45 BST 2024 (was previously scheduled for Tue Sep 10 21:30:45 BST 2024)
Quote Load>INFO:21:30:45-AWT-EventQueue-0(Quote Load,sendAuto) Check Auto Sync after delay
Quote Load>INFO:21:30:45-AWT-EventQueue-0(Quote Load,sendAuto) Check Auto without delay
Quote Load>INFO:21:30:45-AWT-EventQueue-0(Quote Load,sendAuto) now 21:30:45.155699900 next 2024-09-10T22:00
20240910-21:30:48.944: Update info received with successful signature verification
20240910-21:30:48.949: Version info retrieved; we are up to date!
20240910-21:30:50.896: Performing periodic reminders 'auto committing' on CER-20-09-15 ...
20240910-21:30:50.928: Scheduling next reminders auto-commit for Wed Sep 11 00:30:50 BST 2024 (was previously scheduled for Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 GMT 1970)
20240910-21:39:14.032: Log setting 'DEBUG' has been changed to: Enabled
5 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 11 Sep, 2024 07:11 AM
When you say disappearing, where are they disappearing from? What menu/screen?
Nothing obvious in console, but…
You have a lot of extensions installed. Are you using them all? Using menu, extensions, manage extensions…
- remove/uninstall the unused ones - update all the others including toolbox and custom balances.
Then backup (file, export backup)
Then I suggest using toolbox. Update mode.
- diagnose currencies. - if that’s ok, then advanced menu, shrink dataset.
6 Posted by craig.g.roberts... on 14 Sep, 2024 10:29 AM
I noticed that repeating transactions weren't appearing, and I looked on the Reminders Screen and at least some are missing.
I've removed all the Extensions apart from the Toolbox, and done all those other things.
7 Posted by sth on 14 Sep, 2024 10:16 PM
It looks like "List Future Reminders" is out of date, try updating from version 1029 that you have installed to the latest which I think is 1032. Make sure that all your extensions are up to date.
There is an error in one of your other extensions. Not sure which one. Somewhere between MoneyPie and Custom Balances. (BTW, Custom Balances is also a couple of versions behind)
(NOT IK Support)8 Posted by sth on 14 Sep, 2024 10:22 PM
Now that it is cleaned up, Open MD. Enter a single reminder. Close MD. Copy the errlog.txt to the desktop. Then open MD, check if the reminder is there or not. Then close MD and copy the second errlog.txt to the desktop. Attach both errlogs to this thread.
MD CONSOLE FILE LOCATION: 'C:\Users\craig.moneydance\errlog.txt'
9 Posted by craig.g.roberts... on 15 Sep, 2024 10:25 AM
I've turned off most of the extensions including the ones you mention.
See attached error logs. 1 being the first.
The Reminder is still there.
10 Posted by sth on 15 Sep, 2024 04:30 PM
@Craig, Unfortunately it appears that neither errlog uploaded. They are both listed as "Processing Asset" which may mean that somehow the upload stopped before being completed? I haven't seen this before.
BUT, is the problem fixed? The Reminder did not disappear.
11 Posted by craig.g.roberts... on 15 Sep, 2024 05:19 PM
I can see both error logs, but I've uploaded them again.
That particular reminder didn't disappear right away, but that doesn't mean that other latent errors aren't happening.
12 Posted by sth on 15 Sep, 2024 05:32 PM
Both files look good, the only mention of reminders is scheduling an auto-commit
I notice you are syncing through Dropbox Folder. Possibly the reminders are being deleted by the secondary systems? You should set the secondary systems to not auto-commit reminders. But that shouldn't make them disappear. As you say in this case the reminder did not disappear and the log file doesn't show any problems.Check if the reminders go away when opening the synchronized file on your other systems. That should not happen of course, but it is all I can think of. I don't see any latent issues, or worrisome messages in the errlog.