Moneydance Categorization
I am using Moneydance mainly to import transactions manually. In the past when importing, Moneydance kept my category from my .csv. I've been doing this many times without issues.
Recently after a 4month break, I wanted to update my accounts. Now however, moneydance no longer seems to use the category listed in the csv, but rather subsitutes its own category in. How can this be fixed?
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1 Posted by sth on 01 Oct, 2024 12:54 AM
Are you using the CSV Import extension or just the File->Import command?
What version of MD?
What version of OS?
Does your CSV file have headers?
(NOT IK Support)
2 Posted by Niieo on 01 Oct, 2024 12:47 PM
File import, as it seems to give more options.
Moneydance 2024 and 2024.1 on windows 10.
Yes the spreadsheet does.
The reason I’m leading to an issue with MD is that if I were to add the same csv to a newly created account, all the categories remain the same as open the spreadsheet. If however I’m adding them to an existing account that has the same merchant already, it now automatically switches to what I might have used in the past
Support Staff 3 Posted by Maddy on 01 Oct, 2024 01:07 PM
Hi Niieo,
Thank you for contacting Moneydance support.
Can you navigate to File > Preferences > Network and send us a screenshot of the resulting window, please?
If required, you can read instructions for taking a screenshot here:
To add it as an attachment to this discussion, please click on "Browse" below your next post.
Thank you
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
4 Posted by Niieo on 01 Oct, 2024 01:23 PM
Hi Maddy,
Please see the attached picture. Like mentioned, my guess that the account (in this case my credit card) has some kind of memory of what previous transactions have been which could cause this problem. As I experimented with this yesterday, on a newly added account (credit card) it retains the category.
Support Staff 5 Posted by Maddy on 01 Oct, 2024 01:37 PM
Would you be able to send us a copy of your Moneydance error logs? The logs should include information on what might be causing the issue.
You could navigate to Help->Console Window and click the arrow (at the bottom left). Select Copy to Clipboard and attach or paste the full content in your next reply.
Alternatively, you should navigate to:
Local Disk(C:)>Users>Your Name>.moneydance>errlog.txt
Finally you can copy the full content into your next reply here.
Thank you
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
6 Posted by Niieo on 01 Oct, 2024 01:58 PM
20241001-08:55:10.938: Starting Moneydance 2024.1 (5118)
20241001-08:55:10.938: Settings Folder: C:\Users\SGuse\.moneydance
20241001-08:55:10.938: OS: Windows 10 10.0 amd64
20241001-08:55:10.938: Architecture: intel64
20241001-08:55:10.938: Java: 21.0.2 (Eclipse Adoptium)
20241001-08:55:10.938: Is in sandbox: false; restricted file access: false
20241001-08:55:10.938: Library path: c:\program files\moneydance\jre\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\PuTTY\;C:\Users\SGuse\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;
20241001-08:55:11.048: initialized extension moneyforesight in 0.013 seconds
20241001-08:55:11.048: initializing extensions...
20241001-08:55:11.079: python.path: C:\Users\SGuse\.moneydance\python
20241001-08:55:11.079: python.cachedir: C:\Users\SGuse\.moneydance\python\cache
20241001-08:55:11.079: python.cachedir.skip: false
extract_data: initializer script running - doing nothing - will exit....
20241001-08:55:15.659: initialized extension extract_data in 0.484 seconds
toolbox: initializer script running - performing some quick checks, logging diagnostics, then will exit....
20241001-08:55:15.753: initialized extension toolbox in 0.094 seconds
20241001-08:55:15.753: finished initializing all extensions
20241001-08:55:16.221: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20241001-08:55:16.253: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Calibri,name=Calibri,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Calibri-12
20241001-08:55:16.412: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Helvetica,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Helvetica-12
20241001-08:55:16.412: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Hack,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Hack-12
20241001-08:55:16.487: Font initialisation attempted from non-UI thread. Hopping over to dispatch thread...
20241001-08:55:16.487: Initializing fonts:
20241001-08:55:16.487: default: [[Dialog]]
20241001-08:55:16.487: printing: [[Calibri, Dialog]]
20241001-08:55:16.487: monospaced: [[Calibri, Monospaced]]
20241001-08:55:16.487: coding: [[Hack, Monospaced]]
20241001-08:55:16.487: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20241001-08:55:16.487: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Calibri,name=Calibri,style=plain,size=14] from descriptor: Calibri-14
20241001-08:55:16.503: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Calibri,name=Calibri,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Calibri-12
20241001-08:55:16.503: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Hack,name=Hack,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Hack-12
20241001-08:55:16.503: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20241001-08:55:16.503: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20241001-08:55:16.503: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=32] from descriptor: Dialog-32
20241001-08:55:16.503: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20241001-08:55:16.503: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20241001-08:55:16.503: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=14] from descriptor: Dialog-14
20241001-08:55:16.535: fonts resolved:
default: Dialog:12.0:style0
mono: Calibri:12.0:style0
coding: Hack:12.0:style0
print: Calibri:14.0:style0
header: Dialog:14.0:style0
register: Dialog:11.0:style0
reportTitle: Dialog:32.0:style0
calendarTitle: Dialog:11.0:style0
reportHeader: Dialog:10.0:style0
detailTitle: Dialog:14.0:style0
20241001-08:55:16.751: Setting look and feel class to com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatDarkLaf
20241001-08:55:16.767: Font initialisation attempted from non-UI thread. Hopping over to dispatch thread...
20241001-08:55:16.767: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20241001-08:55:16.767: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Calibri,name=Calibri,style=plain,size=14] from descriptor: Calibri-14
20241001-08:55:16.767: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Calibri,name=Calibri,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Calibri-12
20241001-08:55:16.767: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Hack,name=Hack,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Hack-12
20241001-08:55:16.767: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20241001-08:55:16.767: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20241001-08:55:16.767: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=32] from descriptor: Dialog-32
20241001-08:55:16.767: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20241001-08:55:16.767: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12] from descriptor: Dialog-12
20241001-08:55:16.767: loaded font java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=14] from descriptor: Dialog-14
20241001-08:55:16.803: starting file opening routines...
20241001-08:55:16.803: finished file opening routines
20241001-08:55:16.820: Java Virtual Machine (JVM) statistics:
JVM - Available processor cores: 2
JVM - Maximum memory possible: 13.4 GB
JVM - Total memory allocated: 0.2 GB (used 0.1 GB / free 0.0 GB)
Opening account book: C:\Users\SGuse\.moneydance\Documents\Our Wealth.moneydance
20241001-08:55:20.512: Loading dataset: C:\Users\SGuse\.moneydance\Documents\Our Wealth.moneydance
20241001-08:55:20.550: loading with 128 bit encryption key
20241001-08:55:20.590: reading trunk data tiksync/trunk
20241001-08:55:21.263: trunk data loaded (0.673 seconds), checking for incremental updates
20241001-08:55:21.263: loading un-synced txn files...
20241001-08:55:21.263: loading synced txn files...
20241001-08:55:21.263: reading txn file b11c07a3-084f-4b09-b14e-8409a62fb51a.mdtxn
20241001-08:55:21.356: finished loading / updating trunk data file
20241001-08:55:21.797: replacing root: null () with new root: SSG Finances (a76df2aa-2de4-4bd4-aa75-2500f906927c
20241001-08:55:23.232: Update info received with successful signature verification
20241001-08:55:23.248: starting syncing via encryptedFS(DropboxAPI:/.moneydancesync/bee5d278-f8cb-4a17-9e6b-54153050414d) isPrimary=false
20241001-08:55:23.248: Starting syncing using folder
20241001-08:55:23.248: Starting syncing using folder
20241001-08:55:24.211: Version info retrieved; we are up to date!
20241001-08:55:24.685: MDPlus status undetermined or not activated
set antialiasing to HRGB
20241001-08:55:25.681: Scheduling next reminders auto-commit for Tue Oct 01 08:55:30 CDT 2024 (was previously scheduled for Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969)
20241001-08:55:25.681: Scheduling next reminders auto-commit for Tue Oct 01 08:55:30 CDT 2024 (was previously scheduled for Tue Oct 01 08:55:30 CDT 2024)
Toolbox - quick information:
MD CONSOLE FILE LOCATION: 'C:\Users\SGuse\.moneydance\errlog.txt'
MD CONFIG/PREFERENCES LOCATION: 'C:\Users\SGuse\.moneydance\config.dict'
BACKUPS - Save Daily: True
BACKUPS - Keep no more than: 5 backups
BACKUPS - Separate Backup Foldr: True
BACKUPS - Backup Folder: 'C:\Users\SGuse\.moneydance\archive\backups' (backup location exists)
..key - 'backup.location': 'C:\Users\SGuse\.moneydance\archive\backups'
..key - 'backup.last_browsed': '<not set>'
..key - 'backup.last_saved': '<not set>'
..key - '_default_backup_dir': '<not set>'
System Default Locale Cty/Lang: 'US' / 'en'
MD Preference Locale Ctry/Lang: 'US' / 'en'
MD Locale Cty/Lang: 'US' / 'en'
Moneydance decimal point: '.'
JVM - Available processor cores: 2
JVM - Maximum memory possible: 13.4 GB
JVM - Total memory allocated: 0.4 GB (used 0.1 GB / free 0.2 GB)
20241001-08:55:35.703: Scheduling next reminders auto-commit for Tue Oct 01 11:55:35 CDT 2024 (was previously scheduled for Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969)
Character encoding ISO-8859-8 not available. Ignoring.
Imported book: Our Wealth root: SSG Finances
parsed from line:$ImportRow@7b49941f
Unable to find a day-of-month value in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a year in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a day-of-month value in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a year in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a year in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a day-of-month value in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a year in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a day-of-month value in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a day-of-month value in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a year in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a year in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a day-of-month value in the list of date tokens: [Date]
parsed from line:$ImportRow@3c44563b
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@3c44563b
parsed from line:$ImportRow@3be3761
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@3be3761
parsed from line:$ImportRow@17088af6
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@17088af6
parsed from line:$ImportRow@2989e83f
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@2989e83f
parsed from line:$ImportRow@37e286bb
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@37e286bb
parsed from line:$ImportRow@4595ba19
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@4595ba19
parsed from line:$ImportRow@1619d767
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@1619d767
parsed from line:$ImportRow@70371d8b
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@70371d8b
parsed from line:$ImportRow@53c39a68
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@53c39a68
parsed from line:$ImportRow@3b6ea77b
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@3b6ea77b
parsed from line:$ImportRow@6394fd9e
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@6394fd9e
parsed from line:$ImportRow@2b877f22
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@2b877f22
JVM - Maximum memory possible: 13.4 GB
JVM - Total memory allocated: 0.4 GB (used 0.2 GB / free 0.2 GB)
parsed from line:$ImportRow@27775628
Unable to find a day-of-month value in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a year in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a day-of-month value in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a year in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a year in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a day-of-month value in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a year in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a day-of-month value in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a day-of-month value in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a year in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a year in the list of date tokens: [Date]
Unable to find a day-of-month value in the list of date tokens: [Date]
parsed from line:$ImportRow@29b0bcb6
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@29b0bcb6
parsed from line:$ImportRow@4eace076
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@4eace076
parsed from line:$ImportRow@70c9a981
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@70c9a981
parsed from line:$ImportRow@4650d3fd
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@4650d3fd
parsed from line:$ImportRow@ff20221
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@ff20221
parsed from line:$ImportRow@26f4fcf9
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@26f4fcf9
parsed from line:$ImportRow@1bcccc07
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@1bcccc07
parsed from line:$ImportRow@5bc33bb8
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@5bc33bb8
parsed from line:$ImportRow@44bfc9eb
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@44bfc9eb
parsed from line:$ImportRow@45ade6b1
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@45ade6b1
parsed from line:$ImportRow@387cb6f7
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@387cb6f7
parsed from line:$ImportRow@7aa054bb
parsed from fields:$ImportRow@7aa054bb
20241001-08:56:29.860: Was asked to re-open same account book: Our Wealth
20241001-08:56:58.088: All debug flags enabled
20241001-08:57:08.384: mdata-v1 sync status. Local modified: Tue Oct 01 08:56:32 CDT 2024; Remote modification: Tue Oct 01 08:56:37 CDT 2024; needsPush: false
20241001-08:57:08.753: checking for txn logs...
JVM - Maximum memory possible: 13.4 GB
JVM - Total memory allocated: 0.4 GB (used 0.2 GB / free 0.2 GB)
20241001-08:57:41.723: mdata-v1 sync status. Local modified: Tue Oct 01 08:56:32 CDT 2024; Remote modification: Tue Oct 01 08:56:37 CDT 2024; needsPush: false
20241001-08:57:42.019: checking for txn logs...
Support Staff 7 Posted by Maddy on 01 Oct, 2024 02:11 PM
Can you try updating your extensions via 'Extensions->Manage Extensions' first, then update Moneydance?
Moneydance 2024.2 (build 5146) is available to download from this page.
For a full list of improvements in the preview version, please refer to this page.
We recommend overwriting or manually removing the older version.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
8 Posted by Niieo on 01 Oct, 2024 02:28 PM
I've tried both updating the extension and updating the software, but still encounter the same issue.
I've attached two more pictures showing the issue.
MD Account Wrong:
This is when I add it to the account I want to. The categories here do not match my import.
MD Account Right
This is when I add it to another account who won't have these merchants. The categories here match my import.
Both imports use the same import file. This is just a snippet of a few of them.
9 Posted by sth on 02 Oct, 2024 12:29 AM
Hmm, did you change the date format? Check the general settings. Look at the file in an editor or spreadsheet. Is one of the dates messed up? I am seeing errors on import.
10 Posted by Niieo on 05 Oct, 2024 11:25 PM
Well long story short, I use another software that has a user friendly mobile app which I use to categorize all my transactions. Moneydance's app is not a great budget app as it has limited functionality. I then use the export of the transactions to import into moneydance, as I like the software.
I've noticed today while messing around a bit more that it actually does not import any category correctly in any account that already has transactions in them. Not sure why the software messes this up as during the import, it clearly lets you select you coloums during the import process, then however doesn't follow them.
Conclusion, Moneydance Import from CSV through the import function does not properly work. The other ways to import do not have the options to import categories.
11 Posted by dwg on 06 Oct, 2024 12:04 AM
Have you tried using the CSV Importer extension to import the file.
12 Posted by sth on 06 Oct, 2024 05:10 PM
Just curious, what functionality are you missing with budgets in MD?
MD should use the category on import, but the extension has a few more bells and whistles to make it robust.
(NOT IK Support)
13 Posted by Niieo on 14 Oct, 2024 08:59 PM
I believe I tried it before but the tool did not allow to import coloums with a description. I've updated moneydance as requested above, but the CSV Importer doesn't seem to load anymore. Tried reinstalling but still doesn't work with new update.
If it should handle it, I'm not sure how that given that it seems to only do it correctly if no previous transactions exist. Moneydance desktop lacks nothing, more so the app as it doesn't allow for anything to do with reports etc. and only allows to add/edit transactions.
System closed this discussion on 13 Jan, 2025 09:00 PM.