Dashboard sync
The dashboard and the side account bar don't seem to be in sync. Have others noticed this:
1) The net worth calculation in the dashboard and the net worth in the top display are not the same and I can't see any way to configure the net worth calculation on the top display.
2) I had a couple of instances where the investment account screen status with regard to securities positions does not match the dashboard "Investment accounts" display of the security positions. Turns out the dashboard was correct in this case.
3) Deleting accounts on the side account bar does not sync with the dashboard which often causes the deleted account to reappear and has to be deleted from the dashboard a second time.
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1 Posted by he on 29 Oct, 2024 12:28 AM
I can't comment on #s 2 and 3 as I've not had similar issues.
Regarding #1 and the net worth calculation, I completely agree, the net worth calculation at the top of the screen is always off from the other methods I use to calculate same.
The net worth report produces the same result I get from using the Custom Balances extension. And those two numbers agree to the penny with the Net Worth widget I've added to my summary page.
But for the life of me, I have no idea how or why the calculation at the top of the page is always a few pennies different from the rest. Worst, there's no way to suppress the incorrect net worth as I believe the graph and amount cannot be removed by users.
2 Posted by dtd on 29 Oct, 2024 04:26 AM
The graph can be removed... View/Hide Status Graph
You can also remove the Net Worth from the Summary Page, by removing it from the list of things to show. (I tend to leave that showing as once the graph is removed, it is easier to ignore the discrepancies)
3 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 29 Oct, 2024 07:18 AM
One of the menus along the top has a tick box to show or remove this widget.
4 Posted by he on 29 Oct, 2024 12:40 PM
One of the menus along the top has a tick box to show or remove this widget.
@stuart, thank you that did the trick.
For others interested, from the top menu click View then Hide Status Graph. The net worth graph is replaced with white space.
@dtd, the Net Worth widget on the summary page is actually correct. The one that's incorrect is the Net Worth graph at the very top of the page as Stuart pointed out.
5 Posted by glennbily on 29 Oct, 2024 01:56 PM
Why is the widget wrong?
Is it slated for repair or removal?
6 Posted by derekkent23 on 29 Oct, 2024 02:26 PM
I am not support staff, just a user.
The NET WORTH shown on the Summary Page is the sum of all Active Accounts, Bank, Credit Card, Investment, Loan, Asset and Liability. This total is a fixed calculation using today’s date, i.e. Current Balance.
If you double click on this Net Worth value on the Summary page a detailed Net Worth report window opens. The same window can be assessed by clicking on the Net Worth report in the Side Bar. The total of this report may not match NET WORTH shown on the Summary Page as you can select which accounts are included under Settings. Also unlike the Summary Page Net Worth which always uses today date the Net Worth in the Side Bar may have a different date set.
You can align the Net Worth totals by opening the report in the Side Bar and click Settings and ensure all valid accounts are ticked and the date is set for today.
The Net Worth Graph when not hidden can be set to three different date ranges. The selection THIS MONTH or THIS YEAR are the same as the NET WORTH shown on my Summary page as they are based on today’s date, i.e. Current Balance. However ALL DATES goes into the future and for this reasons can be a different value. The selection is made by clicking on the Graph Title Net Worth: The Graph itself may not look that accurate.
Hope this helps
7 Posted by sth on 29 Oct, 2024 05:18 PM
There can also be a problem between the "current" value of a security which is used in the summary page. And if you ask for the "net worth report" it uses today's date which means it looks at the latest equity price that is today or before in the equity history.
Sometimes the equity "current" price gets out of sync with the latest price in the history. This can happen if a transaction is done with the wrong date in the future and then corrected.
(NOT IK Support)
8 Posted by he on 29 Oct, 2024 06:16 PM
I think there may be confusion on which net worth report/graph is incorrect. To clarify, I crosscheck my net worth by obtaining it from different sources:
a) The net worth report, which is labeled as such in the reports section. My net worth is reported correctly here.
b) The net worth widget, displayed on the summary page. Display of this widget is controlled through the summary page preferences and can be removed from the summary page if desired. My net worth is reported correctly here. Clicking on this widget opens the net worth report mentioned in (a) above.
c) I've created a row in Custom Balances to tabulate my net worth independently of MD's stock reports and graphs. My net worth is reported correctly here.
d) The net worth graph which is displayed at the very top of MD and remains in that position regardless of which account is opened. This graph allows me to select three date options of this month, this year or all dates. Regardless of the option chosen, it is this graph that is incorrect. My net worth is NOT reported correctly here. Always by a few pennies low but never high. Enough of a difference, however, to render it useless.
To summarize, the net worth reported in options a, b and c above are true and identical. Just for grins, I dusted off and fired up Quicken and after a few updates it too reported a net worth identical to options a, b and c listed above.
No, this problem is unique to the graph displayed at the top of the screen, option d above. Given that this consistently reports a lower net worth than the others, even if it's just a few cents, leads me to believe that it could a problem in the way calculations handle rounding.
9 Posted by sth on 29 Oct, 2024 06:46 PM
NO, I actually don't think there is a confusion.
The graph and values given in the header use the "Current" value of equities. The reports and graphs listed in a) and b) use the most recent value of equities.
There can be rounding errors in totaling up the "net worth" depending on the number of decimal points used and when the values are rounded to the nearest penny. Having differences of a few pennies in that calculation hardly qualifies as useless.
10 Posted by he on 29 Oct, 2024 07:19 PM
I wasn't aware that the header graph and values use the current value of securities vs the most recent. Why does MD use different methods of calculating the same value? Based on what you're saying, the reports and widget use recent values but the header graph use current value. Why the difference other than to cause confusion to users?
I primarily use MD on weekends. Stock markets are closed. I use the quote loader extension to update securities and I have the parameter set to update the MD current price. So in this case, it seems that my current price and recent price are one and the same given there's no market activity on weekends. If true that still doesn't explain the discrepancy.
Sorry to hit a nerve on calling the graph useless. Let's put it this way. When 3 out of 4 sources within MD calculate net worth one way, and the 4th a different way, let's just say that the 4th doesn't work for me.
11 Posted by sth on 29 Oct, 2024 07:41 PM
Well it is not the same value. The header graph is asking for a snapshot of now. A networth report has an "as of date" and that date needs to be respected for a report or graph. They should update the same. However if something created a price in the future, (clumsy fingers entering a sale or buy) that will get stuck as the current price.
However if you are obsessing over just a few pennies difference that is probably something else.
12 Posted by he on 29 Oct, 2024 07:58 PM
Yup, understand everything you're saying but current price vs recent is not the problem I'm experiencing. I own a manageable number of securities and it wasn't difficult to inspect each for future prices. None exist.
As for obsessing over my net worth, yup, you got me there too. I thought the whole point of using software was to do just that. Oh well perhaps someday when your numbers are big enough you'll understand.
13 Posted by sth on 29 Oct, 2024 08:55 PM
I am not sure about your second comment. Are you worrying that there are a few cents difference in your networth between the various summations?
For me the networth in the header graph (with text on the right) is not something I display. I usually look at my budget, but at the moment it differs from he networth widget on the summary page by 0.000000115% which is small enough for me to call zero. (my training is in applied math not math theory) But YMMV.
System closed this discussion on 28 Jan, 2025 09:00 PM.