Cannot import ofx credit card transactions

jeanmichel.bismut's Avatar


11 May, 2010 12:58 PM

1)I cannot import .ofx files from the menu import .ofx. The relevant folders are greyed and do not open.
2)When doublie clicking on the .ofx file, the list of accounts which is offered to import in does not include the credit cards, but only the bank accounts.

  1. 1 Posted by -Kevin N. on 11 May, 2010 02:45 PM

    -Kevin N.'s Avatar

    Hi jeanmichel.bismut,
    The greyed out folders problem suggests a permissions issue.
    Post the version and build of Moneydance that your using along with the operating system and java version. You can easily acquire this info by opening the 'console window' from the under the 'Help' menu. Post the first few lines. This will help the forum moderators in resolving your issue.
    HTH -Kevin N.

  2. 2 Posted by jeanmichel.bism... on 11 May, 2010 03:25 PM

    jeanmichel.bismut's Avatar

    Here are the data:
    Version: Moneydance 2010r3 (748)
    System OS 10.6.3 x86_64
    Java: 1.6.0_17 (Apple Inc.)

    The problem occurs either on my iMac or on my MacBook.

  3. 3 Posted by Ben Spencer on 12 May, 2010 05:04 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    When you run Moneydance and select File->Open Moneydance will grey out all files that do not end with the .md extension.

    When you want to import an OFX file you should run Moneydance select File->Import->OFX. And then browse to the ofx file. Can you confirm that you are selecting File->Import->OFX and a file ending with the ofx extension is greyed out.

    Ben Spencer
    Moneydance Support.

  4. 4 Posted by jeanmichel.bism... on 12 May, 2010 06:42 PM

    jeanmichel.bismut's Avatar

    Hi Ben. I was trying opening the .ofx file, which sits in another file called 'Download', through an alias of 'Download' which usually works for other applications, and does not work here. For the moment, I will just open the original file.

    The main problem is that I cannot import transactions in credit cards. The pop up menu which appears does not give me the choice of importing in credit cards, but just in bank accounts, and this either on a MacBook or on an iMac.

  5. 5 Posted by Ben Spencer on 12 May, 2010 07:11 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    OFX files include an indicator written by the financial institution that tell Moneydance the account type of the OFX file. If the OFX file says its a bank account then moneydance will only let you import it into an account of type bank. It sounds like your credit card company is incorrectly creating the OFX file saying its a bank account when it isn't. It would probably be simpler to create a new bank account and import your OFX file into that than to contact your credit card company and get them to change the way they are writing the OFX files.


    Ben Spencer

  6. 6 Posted by joe on 16 Jul, 2010 01:09 AM

    joe's Avatar

    I found a workaround for this problem that works for me:

    1) Open the OFX file with a text editor that has a Search & Replace function.
    4) Replace STMTRS with CCSTMTRS

    Make sure that you Replace All occurrences in each step.

    • Joe

    Edit: To save time, I made a web page that does the above steps using Javascript without submitting any of your data. Feel free to look at the source code to verify. It works for me :-) --->

  7. 7 Posted by Jessica Little on 16 Jul, 2010 02:42 PM

    Jessica Little's Avatar

    Also, because so many banks send incorrectly tagged OFX data, the next version of Moneydance will allow you to download bank data into credit card accounts (and visa versa). This means you won't need to edit your OFX files or set up your credit cards as bank accounts anymore.

    Jessica Little
    Moneydance Support

  8. 8 Posted by jeanmichel.bism... on 17 Jul, 2010 09:58 AM

    jeanmichel.bismut's Avatar

    Dear Jessica,
    this is great news. I guess the new version has not come out yet.

    Still a final question. Will it be possible to export credit card transactions created in a temporary bank account in Mondeydance to the original Credit card account.

    With my best regards, and thanks again!


  9. 9 Posted by Jessica Little on 20 Jul, 2010 05:29 PM

    Jessica Little's Avatar

    Hi Jean-Michel,

    Yes, this is actually quite straightforward. Once you've created the new account in the new version of Moneydance, just open your old account and select all of the transactions. Than, right click on the transactions and choose Batch Change > Account. Moneydance will ask you which account you would like to move the transactions to. Select your new account and click OK. That's it!

    Jessica Little
    Moneydance Support

  10. 10 Posted by jeanmichel.bism... on 20 Jul, 2010 06:19 PM

    jeanmichel.bismut's Avatar

    Dear Jessica,
    thank you so much! I should have thought about it!

    The possibility of transferring the transactions in .ofx to the credit card account in spite of the poor coding is also great! I wait for the new version to come out.

    Finally, note that when importing the .ofx transactions, they always appear one day earlier than the date on the web site of the bank. Is this also a common error by the banks?
    Unfortunately, I am not able to read the date on the text version of the .ofx file.

    With my best regards, and many thanks again!

  11. 11 Posted by Jessica Little on 20 Jul, 2010 06:52 PM

    Jessica Little's Avatar

    We use whatever date information is sent to us by the bank. The difference could be due to the bank posting information to their website and their OFX server at different times. This is especially true if they run those processes around midnight. Unfortunately, I don't think that there's anything you can do to make them match up, since the information comes directly from the bank.

    Jessica Little
    Moneydance Support

  12. 12 Posted by Asko on 21 Jul, 2010 02:59 AM

    Asko's Avatar


    Latest build of Moneydance (752) I installed today (dated 7-16-2010) does not fix the issue of not being able to import credit card data. Import still gives only Bank account options. This is the case at least with my bank.

    I used the workaround by manually changing the words as Joe said - and that worked. Thanks Joe for sharing that info.

    Thanks, asko

  13. 13 Posted by Jessica Little on 22 Jul, 2010 01:58 PM

    Jessica Little's Avatar

    Hi Asko,

    Thanks for the report. We've confirmed that this is still a bug in 752 and are working for a new fix for the next build.

    Jessica Little
    Moneydance Support

  14. 14 Posted by jeanmichel.bism... on 25 Oct, 2010 08:08 PM

    jeanmichel.bismut's Avatar

    Dear Jessica,
    this is to let you know the following. On Moneydance desktop, I entered a transaction planned for October 29th (which appears in yellow). However, when synchronizing with my iPod Touch, the balance of the account appears as if that transaction has already been passed, which is incorrect.

    Can something be done about this?

    Also you mentioned that in the future, Moneydance will accept Credit card downloads which are incorrectly labelled by the Bank as related to ordinary bank accounts. However, I do not know whether this new version is already available.

    With my best wishes.

  15. 15 Posted by Tom Freeman on 26 Oct, 2010 03:05 PM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar

    Are you saying you entered a transaction in the register post dated to the 29th, or y0u have a transaction reminder set for the 29th?

    As for the fix in the credit card/bank, the developers are still working on it.


  16. 16 Posted by jeanmichel.bism... on 26 Oct, 2010 03:57 PM

    jeanmichel.bismut's Avatar

    The transaction is posdated to October 29th. However, in my iPod Touch, the balance which appears today in the list of Bank accounts is the one of October 29th.

  17. 17 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 26 Oct, 2010 07:52 PM

    Angie Rauscher's Avatar


    The postdated balance is a function of the current version of the iPod app, so it's an "that's how it works" issue, as opposed to a bug. We are looking into altering this behavior for current incarnations of the app, and I have created a ticket for this issue. The ticket is attached to this discussion. By posting in this discussion your interest in the ticket has been registered. This is equivalent to voting for it. We will post on this forum thread if and when there are further developments on this topic.

    Please let me know if I can be of further assistance,

    Angie Rauscher
    Moneydance Support

  18. 18 Posted by jeanmichel.bism... on 26 Nov, 2010 11:35 PM

    jeanmichel.bismut's Avatar

    Dear Jessica,
    I cannot no longer import .ofx transactions from my French bank. Moneydance gives the error:

    An error was detected when reading the file java.IOException: Unexpected end of message while reading headers.

    Would you know if this an error coming from my bank? Or from Java?

    With my best regards, and thanks for your kind help.

  19. 19 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 27 Nov, 2010 05:06 AM

    Angie Rauscher's Avatar

    Jean Michel,

    I'm splitting this issue off into a separate thread so we can more easily track it. The thread is located here.

    Angie Rauscher
    Moneydance Support

  20. 20 Posted by Francois on 30 Nov, 2010 07:35 PM

    Francois's Avatar

    @Jean Michel

    If the Bank is Axa Banque, the OFX seems bogus these days.
    You need to insert a line break between NEWFILEUID:NONE and


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