
ronco's Avatar


05 Jul, 2009 08:04 PM

I have imported a qif file from Quicken to trial Moneydance and initially I find that my accounts/transactions balance. However, when I look at the category table I have some questions. In an Expense Category followed by sub-categories the last line always shows "xxxxx", Expense, 0.00. What is this line for? In addition, a good number of my accounts, including bank accounts and credit cards, are shown as categories with the Account Name ending with an "X", Income, and an amount. I am sure these do not belong there but I cannot find a way to correct it. Deleting them deletes the associated amounts messing up totals and removing the "X" from the account name in the transaction does not remove the entry from the category list. Thanks for clarifying this, ron

  1. 1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 06 Jul, 2009 03:47 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    Hi Ronco

    The xxxxx categories are something that quicken uses internally I recall looking it up o one of the intuit forums and in this moment do not remember exactly what quicken creates them for, I think it was related to the quicken budgeting system. Either way some versions of Quicken export these xxxxx dummy categories when you create a QIF file and thats why they are appearing in Moneydance. If they have a $0.00 balance it is safe to delete them.

    The accounts ending with an X come from a different situation. It is my understanding that Quicken uses transactions to record no zero initial balances. When these transactions are exported they have to come from somewhere and so MD creates an associated account for the transaction. Thats the account with the X. Moneydance handles starting balances differently from quicken, I.e the non zero starting balance is associated with the account rather than created with a transaction. Deleting the account with the X will delete the Quicken starting balance transaction in that account which would change the current balance of your account. So what you need to do in order to correct the balance is edit the starting balance for the real account to be the same as the transaction in the X account. Click on the appropriate account on the home page to bring up the transaction register for that account. Click "Edit Account" from the account menu. Set the "Initial balance" to the appropriate value. Click Done. Then you should be able to safely delete the X accounts.


    Ben Spencer

  2. 2 Posted by ronco on 06 Jul, 2009 07:59 PM

    ronco's Avatar

    I have tried resolving the Category Accounts with an X following your instructions and it corrects the problem. Thanks for your quick response.


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