Quotes and Exchange Rates extension (build 71) issue

Neness38's Avatar


Dec 05, 2010 @ 11:27 AM


I'm running the latest (as of today, i.e. build 71) of the Qotes and Exchange Rates extension and even though it seems to fetch the security price correctly, Mondeydance seems to be using a wrong value.
The base currency used for MD is Euro, but the investment account and all securities in it are in US dollar. The extension is getting the security price from Yahoo USA, and I tried with any of 'Default" and "American Stock Exchange" for the stock exchange setting.

If you look at the attached screen capture, what is puzzling is that the history of security value is correct, with the latest price on Dec 3 showing US$104.54, which is correct. Yet MD uses the value shown in "Current Price: 100.44686" for its representations. I don't know where that price is coming from. It doesn't even seem to match any €/$ conversion problem.
I have the same problem with all the securities in that investment account.

Any suggestion appreciated...

  1. 1 Posted by Tom Freeman on Dec 06, 2010 @ 05:09 PM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar

    I just added this security to a test file and ran the extension. I did not get the results you did. I am attaching screen shots of the history and how I have the extension set up.

    Confirm your extension set up and try to update again. If it still isn't working, then go to the extension, click on the advance feature (above the stock exchange filed) and send me a screen shot of your extension set up.


  2. 2 Posted by Neness38 on Dec 07, 2010 @ 12:05 PM

    Neness38's Avatar

    Thanks for looking at this...

    I removed the extension, downloaded it again (same build #: 71). Same problem. I also tried to clear all the history of prices for that fund and updated. Again, the value listed in the array is correct, but I get a different value in the "current price" field. Note that the value shown in "current price" is slightly different than before, so some update is occurring.
    Attached are some screen shots of the various configuration.

  3. 3 Posted by Tom Freeman on Dec 07, 2010 @ 03:48 PM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar

    Try changing the default stock exchange to the American Stock exchange. Change the update frequency to Daily. And see if that works.


  4. 4 Posted by Neness38 on Dec 07, 2010 @ 04:07 PM

    Neness38's Avatar

    I did the suggested change: no improvment. It still fetches the correct price as shown in the array, but the "current price" field is not correct.

    In case it helps, I also tried the following: I clear the array of prices, manually enter the current price to "1". Then I update from the extension. I can then see the most recent price being added to the array (104.38 On Dec 6), but the "current price" field stays at "1"

  5. 5 Posted by Neness38 on Dec 07, 2010 @ 04:17 PM

    Neness38's Avatar

    Some more info. I noticed something weird. My account only has 3 transactions about the "Dodge and Cox" fund, all from 2010. Yet the graph shows much older data. See attached screenshot. Note that the array of fund prices has only 1 entry (most recent) and the current price was manually entered to "1", as described in previous post.
    I'm wondering if that old graph data has anything to do with the problem. Where is that data coming from?

  6. 6 Posted by Tom Freeman on Dec 08, 2010 @ 02:51 PM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar

    Set the Historical Security Prices field to Yahoo USA. This should download a history and over write the graph. If you still get the old data, run a transaction report for this security asking for "all dates" and send me a screen shot please.

    In talking to the developers I have found out that if you put in a current price then use the updater, Moneydance recognizes your input as the most recent and won't change it. The developers said that originally the updater over rode the price each time it was used and users complained so they removed that feature. When you put in $1, Moneydance assumed you did it on purpose and the updater won't override that for 24 hours. I am putting in a feature request with this post to add an "alt" key ability to override this. Leave the current price as is, then tomorrow try the extension again.

    I apologize for the frustration. I am able to download and update the price. There is some incongruity somewhere in the use of the extension and we will get to it figured out.

    Are the rest of your securities updating correctly?


  7. 7 Posted by Neness38 on Dec 09, 2010 @ 09:55 AM

    Neness38's Avatar

    I think I finally figured out the origin of the problem... It has to do with Euro/US$ conversion after all. I did the following:
    1/ disconnect the network (to prevent automated updates)
    2/ set up the extension to update currencies but not stock quotes and history. Check that update is set to daily
    3/ save and exit
    4/ reconnect the network
    5/ start MD and wait for the automated update

    What I can see is that no new stock quote is added to the array, which is what I want. So I would expect to see the "current price" set to the last value of the array. Yet the "current" price field is slightly different. I also notice that the dollar price (my base currency is €) was updated.

    If I repeat the procedure shortly after, I see the same result. The current price is updated with the same new value. The US$ dollar price is the same as the previous run.

    Now I wait a bit longer before renewing the procedure. Now the dollar value changed again (I'm guessing I wouldn't see this on a weekend when the stock market is closed). And the stock "current price" is updated with a slightly different value.
    So it really looks like the current price for the stock, instead of being displayed in raw US $ went through two €/$ conversions, with a slightly different price each time.

    Does the above make sense?

    As to the graph history being, running an update with stock historical updates turned on didn't help. See first attached image. What is funny is that all the stocks for that account, bought in 2010, show the same graph from 2004 to a few days ago (when the historical updates starts kicking in). The values for the y-axis of the graph differ based on the stock, but the general shape is the same (compare shape of the 2 attached images, they are for 2 different funds in the same account and each has a first transaction date in 2010).

  8. 8 Posted by Tom Freeman on Dec 13, 2010 @ 02:16 PM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar

    I am going to query the developers about how money dance recognizes the differing currencies in accounts to see if there are any internal conversions separate from the update.

    If you clear the price history does the graph empty?

    Do you have any other exchange rate extensions running?


  9. 9 Posted by Neness38 on Dec 13, 2010 @ 03:46 PM

    Neness38's Avatar

    It seems to be a known issue, I found some older discussions centered around the same topic:

    As to the graph history:
    - clearing the fund price history only removes the most recent part of the graph. The older part still exists. - no other exchange rate extension running, but I've used the previous extensions (which separated currency updates from stock quote updates) in the past. I removed them before downloading the new all-in-one extension

  10. 10 Posted by Tom Freeman on Dec 13, 2010 @ 04:25 PM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar

    I have attached the bug ticket to this post. I was thinking it was mostly an exchange and extension issue,but now I see it fits.

    As for the graph issue I think it fits this bug ticket and I've attached it as well.

  11. 11 Posted by Neness38 on Dec 14, 2010 @ 10:51 AM

    Neness38's Avatar

    Is bug 2969 correct? trac returns an "invalid ticket number" error with that number

  12. 12 Posted by Tom Freeman on Dec 15, 2010 @ 08:46 PM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar

    We've migrated to a new service called lighthouse. The newer tickets are only viewable to support staff.

    The new service allows more internal communication on the tickets that may not be appropriate for public viewing.


  13. 13 Posted by randyfinger on Dec 19, 2010 @ 03:03 AM

    randyfinger's Avatar

    I have something similar but yet different happening. I have a mutual fund in my 401(k) that has no ticker, thus the stock quote updater can't download prices. If I recall correctly, MD use to take the prices calculated in the transaction register an place them in the price history for prices that can not be downloaded. My issue is...I have purchased said fund every two weeks since 7/24/2009. The price history starts on 7/24/2009 and has an entry every two weeks (corresponding to the purchase date in the transaction register) up until 12/25/2009. However, the price in the "current price" field matches the second to last price in the history dated 12/11/2009. I can provide screen shots if needed.

    Let me know if this is different enough to warrant is own thread.



  14. 14 Posted by Angie Rauscher on Dec 25, 2010 @ 04:25 AM

    Angie Rauscher's Avatar


    Could you please try the following?

    -Open the Security Detail View -Click "History" -Click "Import" -Select the "Import from Transactions" option -Click "Ok"

    Let me know if this helps, and if not we'll look at other possible causes and fixes. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance,

    Angie Rauscher
    Moneydance Support

  15. 15 Posted by randyfinger on Dec 26, 2010 @ 08:19 PM

    randyfinger's Avatar

    Yeah that worked for updating the price history. However, I still have numbers in the "current price" fields that do not match the most resent prices in the price history and some that do not match any price in the history.

  16. 16 Posted by Tom Freeman on Dec 26, 2010 @ 10:03 PM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar


    We are having some issues around the current price field and how it is updated. The developers are working on a new build of the quotes exchange extension and how it relates to the security detail window. Some changes are going to be made that may change how the current price filed is filled. This may clear up the problem.

    Also are you on the latest build of Moneydance (build 751). If not download it from here: http://moneydance.com/other

    You can manually edit the current price field. The nest time you enter a trans action it may update the field.


  17. 17 Posted by randyfinger on Dec 28, 2010 @ 01:51 PM

    randyfinger's Avatar

    Yes I am on 751.

  18. 18 Posted by Tom Freeman on Dec 29, 2010 @ 09:47 AM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar


    Can you go ahead and send the screen shots please.


  19. 19 Posted by peter Blake on Jan 09, 2011 @ 08:58 AM

    peter Blake's Avatar

    I had a lot of problems with inputting an exchange rate for the Euro. The Base Currency is the Swiss Franc Sfr. I disabled the Exchange rare extension as it was not downloading any rates and manually inputted the euro exchange rate. Each time I did this the calculation expanded geometrically.! After a few tries the home page indicated my net worth was greater than the USA GDP! After reading your forum I reloaded the Exchange rate extension (build 71) but disabled the Historical Securities and Current Securities update. This seems to have cured the problem. I am running Moneydance 2010r3 (751) on Mac OSX 10.6.5 with a MacBook Pro 2.4 Ghz intel Core 2 Duo
    regards Peter

  20. 20 Posted by Neness38 on Mar 19, 2011 @ 12:38 PM

    Neness38's Avatar

    Support team: is the issue reported by the original post supposed to be addressed in MD 2011 preview (build778)?
    I've read a few comments mentioning changes about how multiple currencies are handled under the hood, but it doesn t seem to fix it for me.


  21. 21 Posted by Tom Freeman on Mar 21, 2011 @ 04:08 PM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar

    Bug 2913 "Securities should not be recorded relative to base currency ", has not been fixed in the preview. I have queried the lead developer who signs off on the builds about this bug, as it is listed a a critical need.

    I'll post again when I get a responce.


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