multiple duplicated downloaded transactions

Keith Beattie's Avatar

Keith Beattie

15 Jul, 2009 07:11 PM

I'm seeing many duplicate transactions when downloading from my bank (Wells Fargo) web site. I download by following their "download account activity" link and then download the "Quicken® 2005 (MAC) & 2007 (PC) or later (Web Connect)" file format.

Is there any way to prevent these duplicates from showing up?

It's a real pain since a not uncommon human error is to charge an account twice for the same amount on the same day, which looks just like a duplicate but isn't since it is two actual charges. This means for each false duplicate, I need to confirm that it isn't a real duplicate by looking at my register on the WFB web site. This somewhat defeats the purpose of downloading transactions in the first place.

Also, is it possible to get Moneydance to better identify a match?

Currently it rarely, if ever, successfully identifies a false duplicate as a match even though the date, description and amount all match. Seems to me that if those three match, then I think it should come up as a match...


  1. 1 Posted by Brian Adler on 17 Jul, 2009 07:58 AM

    Brian Adler's Avatar


    Does WFB offer the option to download a file that only contains transaction dates more recent than your last download? If not, can you manually do this? We do support Direct Connections with Wells Fargo as well (in which this issue would not occur).

    The matching behavior is being completely redone in MD 2010 due to come out before the end of the year.



    Moneydance Support

  2. Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 24 Jul, 2011 06:50 PM.

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