Archiving STILL does not work for me!

patrick's Avatar


28 Jan, 2011 03:05 PM

I have been trying without success to archive some of my data. Each time, when I click OK in the archive dialogue box, nothing happens for about 5 seconds, then the MD file I'm working with seems to quit and reopen, asking again for my password. Nothing seems to have changed - old transactions which should have been deleted are still there. Checking in the Finder I find that a new file named mdarchive (no .md) has been created. Double clicking on this file opens it in TextEdit. When I add the .md myself, it opens in MD, but it is not the archive I am expecting. I had set 12/31/2009 as the date to archive transactions before, but all non-investment accounts contain only 2009 data (where is the 2008 and 2007 data?), all starting balances (and hence all finishing balances) bear no relationship to reality, and all investment accounts are totally empty.

I am running MD 2010r3 (751) on OSX 10.6.6

  1. 1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 28 Jan, 2011 07:09 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    Archiving does not remove all transactions if you are using investment accounts. Investment accounts need to have their complete history of transactions in order to correctly calculate cost basis. Transactions in investment accounts will not be archived and any transfers to or from investment accounts will not be archived. If you are using investment accounts I do not recommend using the archive tool, instead use the "this year" filter at the top of your register to restrict what is displayed. Even with many 10s of thousands of transaction there is no noticeable performance hit.

    I am sorry if this does not meet your needs.

    Ben Spencer
    Moneydance Support

  2. 2 Posted by patrick on 28 Jan, 2011 07:59 PM

    patrick's Avatar

    Hi, Ben, thanks for the answer. Yes this does meet my needs in a cosmetic sense, and I will do as you suggest.

    From your point of view however there still remain the facts that:
    1. Archiving did not produce a .md file - I had to add the .md;
    2. Archiving did not produce a correct archive even given the limitations outlined in your answer;
    3. Archiving did not remove all the non-investment account transactions before the date specified from my bank accounts in the current file.
    So there still seems to be something wrong with the archive tool.

    Although I have very little good to say about Quicken and what Intuit did to Mac users, Quicken did handle archiving with aplomb, producing an archive which was essentially a complete snapshot of the file at the archiving date and, more importantly, a slimmed-down new current file in which investment accounts were untouched (for the same reasons you quote) but with all transactions in non-investment accounts (including transfers involving investment accounts) before the archiving date removed. Although Quicken was a double entry system, it somehow allowed only one side of transfer between investment and non-investment accounts to remain. As a result of all this, my old Quicken file was about 14 MB and growing about 1 MB per year, while my MD file is now 44 MB and growing at about 8 MB per year.

  3. System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:42 PM.

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