Date and Trans # in Description
Been using MD for about 2 months. I just noticed a problem with
some downloaded transactions:
Here is one example. It was a purchase at Walgreens on 3/9/2011 for $9.27 The date and transaction number in the Description field does not match what my bank says it should be.
After downloading, this is the entry in the description field of
my Check Register:
WALGREEN COMPA 12/02 #000348269
When I check the my account online, it shows the following:
WALGREEN COMPA 03/09 #000725993
Is this a known problem with MD or do I have something setup incorrectly?
Kind Regards,
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1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 12 Mar, 2011 03:32 PM
Hi bill I suspect what has happened is that you accepted the unconfirmed transaction with the CATEGORIZE option in the accept panel. The categorize option changes both the category and the description/payee of the category to match those of the transaciton that is matched. Since you have the date of the transaction in the description/payee field the new transaction also got this same information in its description/payee field.
The reason the description/payee field is changed when you use the categorize option is to provide you with a consistent list of payees. The categorize option used to be called "Repeat Payee". if you want to use this function I suggest changing the description/payee field to "Walgreens" rather than include the date in the description/payee field.
We realize this functionality can be confusing and so have changed it in the soon to be released MD2011 preview such that automatic categorization does not change the description/payee field.
Ben Spencer
Moneydance Support
System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:35 PM.