Not able to connect with and download from Wells Fargo

Bryant's Avatar


29 Jul, 2009 08:04 PM

I am not able to establish a connection with Wells Fargo and download transactions.

I receive the error that my user ID and/or Pin code is invalid.

The user ID / pin code set that I am using is what I use to access my accounts online.

I was able to download from Wells to Quicken online using this user ID / pin code set.

I contacted Wells technical support, but they do not "support" Mondeydance and refuse to give me any help or information.

After not having success, I attempted to change my pin code via the Moneydance change pin code window. Again I received the same error message. However, I also received a message that the pin code must be 4 characters.

Wells imposes no such limitation for a password for accessing accounts online.

Maybe Moneydance is using outdated protocols?

Any ideas?


  1. 1 Posted by Brian Adler on 30 Jul, 2009 03:33 PM

    Brian Adler's Avatar


    Can you verify that you are enabled for Direct Connect and that the download you did with Quicken was Direct Connect (where MD or Quicken connects directly to the bank's servers) and not Web Connect (where a file is downloaded from the bank's website)? In Quicken, it can be difficult to distinguish which you are doing as Quicken downloads files from a bank's website using an internal browser. The Wells Fargo connection seems to be working from our end. If we can rule out whether you are enabled for Direct Connect (many banks are not by default), then we can look at other possibilities.


    Brian Adler

  2. 2 Posted by Bryant on 31 Jul, 2009 02:54 AM

    Bryant 's Avatar


    Thank you for the reply.

    The Quicken download I did was via quicken's free online service. I don't actually have a copy of Quicken. I prefer Moneydance! I just wanted to see if it would work. I went to, and set up an account. I submit that my account was with Wells Fargo, and provided my log-in and password into the automated set-up. Data for all of my accouts with Wells were brought up.

    I never enabled Direct Connect. I scoured the Wells Fargo sight, and I found nothing about a means to enable Direct Connect and no reference about something like this. But I did think there was something off because Moneydance said my pin must be 4 characters long. However my online password is more than 4 characters.

    When I contacted Wells, they refused to provide me any information what so ever because they said they do not support Moneydance.

    However, I try again and ask specifically about "direct connect".

    Do you have any information/ideas?


  3. 3 Posted by Bryant on 31 Jul, 2009 03:14 AM

    Bryant's Avatar


    Problem solved. Wells actually charges for this service. They do not make this very clear.

    I imagine that other organizations might do the same, because I was having a similar issue with a Chase credit card.

    For now, I'll do some more research on my end, and get back to you if I have any further questions.

    Thank you for your time.


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