scroll wheel in loan setup

paleolith's Avatar


05 Jun, 2011 06:44 PM

In recent past releases, there were problems with the scroll wheel in popup menus. Most of these were resolved, but I just noticed one that remains. In the loan account setup, the popup for "is child of" both lacks a scroll bar and disappears when the scroll wheel is moved. The combination of factors makes it impossible AFAIK to select a parent account for a loan, at least during setup (I haven't check whether it's possible to change it later).

The other two popups in the loan setup work correctly, but the scroll wheel only works if the mouse is first moved into the popup. If the scroll wheel is moved while the mouse pointer is outside the popup, then the popup disappears. The popup is positioned such that the mouse pointer is never over the popup when it first appears. I don't know whether there is a standard for UI behavior in this case, but I certainly find the current behavior unhelpful at best. However, this is far less important than the first problem.


Moneydance 2011 (790)
Sun Java 1.6.0_25 Windows Vista with latest updates

  1. 1 Posted by Jon Hoover on 21 Jun, 2011 03:16 PM

    Jon Hoover's Avatar

    I apologize for the lateness of our reply. We've been very busy with lots of new users for Moneydance 2011 and helping them switch over, that we've gotten a bit behind.
    Thanks for pointing out these bugs, I can certainly see the frustration one might have if you have lots of possible parent accounts for a loan!
    I've created a ticket and attached it to your post.
    Jon Hoover, Moneydance Support

  2. System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:35 PM.

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