font size for printing reports

Richard Maine's Avatar

Richard Maine

Jun 20, 2011 @ 11:35 PM

Argh. Something changed drastically in the font size used for reports with moneydance 2011. I verified the change is in moneydance instead of something else in my system by reinstalling a copy of 2010r3. 2010r3 still works fine, but then going back to 2011 doesn't.

I'm on OS X 10.6.7 with all updates applied, moneydance 2011(791).

I have the moneydance print font set to Lucida Grande 16 point. Checks still print reasonably and like in moneydance 2010. I just measured some text on a printed sample check and it seems to be a hair over 1/4 inch from one baseline to the next. That sounds to me more like 18 points than 16, but at least it is close, and anyway, I could adjust it as desired except...

Printed reports are illegible without a magnifying glass. I measured the interline spacing there and it is about 1/8 inch. I think that overstates it, as it looks like the interline spacing is a little more than just the font space. I'd guess that the actual characters are about 1/3 the height of those on the checks. I simply cannot read text that size. If I give these reports to my mother-in-law, who they are for, I'm not sure she will even be able to see that there is text there at all, much less read it. If I bump the font size up to the maximum option shown (40 points), the report font is still a bit small, but at least readable. Unfortunately, that makes the text on checks so huge that the check is a jumbled mess.

The same size setting affects both checks and reports. That would be ok except that there seems to be a factor of 2 or 3 discrepancy for the actual resulting size for checks and reports. The only way I can make them legible is to change the font size every time I print one or the other. That's really, really awkward. Hmm. Might be easier to just open the file with moneydance 2010r3 for printing, but that's a hack.

I see that moneydance 2011 doesn't have an option to specify the Java version used, as 2010 had. Not sure whether that might be related.

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  1. 31 Posted by Richard Maine on Feb 11, 2014 @ 09:58 PM

    Richard Maine's Avatar

    Lots of luck with getting font size problems fixed, Kathy. Note that my original complaint on this is nearly 3 years old. This is the biggest reason why I'm not planning to update my copy again. I can't see paying for updates that don't fix the bugs of concern to me. I sort of regret updating to 2011, as printing was better in 2010 (not perfect, but better). I read announcements about 2014 and see a bunch of things I don't care about (and some that sound like negatives), but nothing about fixing the things like this that do matter to me. I've pretty much given up on them. It's not as if it would be some major deal to make a separate preference for font sizes on checks, but it apparently ain't gonna happen. You can hack the report font size by asking for a ludicrously large one - say 28 points or so usually gets something legible. But then you have to remember to change it back before printing a check because that will actually print at something close 28 points on a check, which just won't work.

  2. 32 Posted by -Kevin N. on Feb 11, 2014 @ 10:15 PM

    -Kevin N.'s Avatar

    Hi All,

    This workaround has helped others with printing reports.
    Instead of Print, click on Save.
    Save the report as an HTML.
    Click the 'Browse' button to provide a place to Save the report file. (keep it simple)
    Make sure to retain the .html file format when naming the file.
    Remember where you Saved it.
    Click OK.
    Navigate to where you Saved the file.
    You can then open the file in a web browser, spreadsheet or word processor.
    The later two programs will provide a much more flexible array of options to print the report.

    HTH -Kevin N.

  3. 33 Posted by jimmplsmn on Feb 12, 2014 @ 04:20 AM

    jimmplsmn's Avatar

    Wow Kevin - that's a cool trick! I did not realize how versatile an .html file could be. Very handy for many situations. Thank you!

    • Jim
  4. 34 Posted by Jon Hoover on Feb 12, 2014 @ 02:54 PM

    Jon Hoover's Avatar

    Hi Kathy,
    Please go to Preferences and select the Printing tab and increase the font size. Does that improve the reports for you?
    Jon Hoover, Moneydance Support

  5. 35 Posted by Kathy Dennison on Feb 12, 2014 @ 07:53 PM

    Kathy Dennison's Avatar

    I have increased to 24, somewhat better,
    I guess I'll go a little higher and see.

    Is this the way it should be done,
    or do you think there will be a update
    to correct?


    Sent from my iPhone

    Please note new email address
    [email blocked]

  6. System closed this discussion on Mar 31, 2015 @ 03:37 PM.

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