Having problem with on-line banking
I had to change my user ID with my Chase on-line banking and now I get a message saying:
"There was an error communicating with your financial institution. The details of this error are below.
Bank Name: Chase
The error code reported by the server was: 2000.
I had no problem downloading data from Chase before I changed my user ID. I can log on to and view my data when I go directly to Chase using the new user ID. Can you help me??
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1 Posted by Jessica Little on 06 Aug, 2011 03:35 PM
Hi Bob,
Can you try resetting your connection to Chase? To do so, you can follow these steps:
1) Select your bank account in Moneydance
2) Select the Online->Setup Online Banking button/menu
3) Click the Disable button. If you don't see a disable button, continue to step 5.
4) Select the Online->Setup Online Banking button/menu (again)
5) Click the New Connection button and select your bank from the list of available institutions that pops up. Hit OK
6) Continue with the setup process, entering your username/password
7) Repeat steps 1-6 for any additional accounts
Please let me know if you continue to have connection problems after recreating your connection.
Jessica Little
Moneydance Support
2 Posted by dube.rc on 08 Aug, 2011 07:02 PM
I have tried to reset as you instructed with the following results.
1) When I select Online->Setup Online Banking there is no Disable Button
2) When I select New Connection and select my bank the Continue button does
not come on and I can't continue
3) If i select my bank from the pull down window without selecting new
connection first, I can continue and will be able to enter my user name and
password. When I click OK, I get the following ERROR MESSAGE:
"There was an error communicating with your financial institution. The
details of this error are below.
Bank Name: Chase
The error code reported by the server was: 2000.
I am able to connect to Chase directly and enter using the user ID and
Password I tried to use in MoneyDance.
If you want to call me my number is 407-446-0615.
3 Posted by Jessica Little on 09 Aug, 2011 03:10 PM
Hi Bob,
It looks like for some reason direct connections on your Chase account got disabled when you changed your ID. Try re-enabling it on their website to see if that helps. If it's already enabled, try disabling and then re-enabling it. You may need to call Chase to have them help you with this.
Hope that helps. Please let me know if you still have trouble connecting after contacting Chase.
Jessica Little
Moneydance Support
4 Posted by dube.rc on 10 Aug, 2011 04:01 AM
Thanks Jessica, I got it going.
Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 10 Aug, 2011 07:41 PM.