Imported File is not Including All Transactions Downloaded from the Bank
I am using Moneydance 212.5 (862) on a Mac. I bank with a local bank that is not included on the list of banks that allow direct downloading of transactions. So I have to do a two-step process: (1) download the transactions from the bank's website and save the file (2) import the file into my MD check register.
Periodically, the MD register does not agree with the bank's monthly statements, and I have to go back and find out which transactions are missing from the MD. Most of the time, the missing transactions are payments made to my various credit card accounts. I then have to find these transactions on my bank statement and manually add them to my MD register in order that the two registers are in agreement.
I'm assuming that the problem is at the Moneydance end rather than at the bank's end. Is this a common problem? And does the latest version of MD fix it? I haven't upgraded because I don't need the advanced features of the new version but I will do so if it solves this problem which ends up costing me a lot of time.
Thanks for any help on this question.
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1 Posted by TonyRI on Sep 05, 2016 @ 09:33 PM
Hi Diane,
Not sure if this will help you, or not, but I usually confirm (or merge) each transaction and then reconcile the account(s) every time I perform a manual (or automatic) download of data from my Credit Union, etc. I don't even bother with reconciling when I receive my monthly statement, because each account is balanced along the way. This process may be useful for you to catch any problems as they arise.
Just a thought.
Kind Regards,
2 Posted by diane.franklin on Sep 05, 2016 @ 10:04 PM
Hi Tony,
Yes, this is good advice but I usually wait a few months before doing the
confirmation, which compounds the problem. I don't always have time to do
what you suggest monthly. So, I would still like to know whether the new
version of the program has corrected this error.
Thanks for your good suggestion,
3 Posted by dwg on Sep 05, 2016 @ 10:38 PM
I have not seen a problem reported on these forums of a transaction that is properly defined in a downloaded file is not imported correctly.
I would not assume that the data from the bank is necessarily correct.
Therefore I believe the first step is to validate what data is in the downloaded file(s) and it is correct, hence looking for one of the missing transactions in the file that it should be in, also making sure that any data range that is specified is correct and any days have not been inadvertently missed between files for example.
Only once that it is ensured that the data being imported is correct can you assume that Moneydance is at fault, up until then the problem could be anywhere..
4 Posted by diane.franklin on Sep 05, 2016 @ 11:22 PM
That sounds like a good idea. How can I verify that all the transactions
are there? Since I'm downloading the file as an .ofx file, the only way I
can open it is with Moneydance. Can I assume that if I download the
transactions in another file format, that I could read with another
program, they will be exactly the same as in the .ofx format?
5 Posted by phil on Sep 06, 2016 @ 04:00 AM
This is not new.
I reported the same exact problem on 2/9/2016 and received a reply from
Ethan (support staff) on 2/21/2016 under the file : Re: Connecting to
Bank of America [Private Issues #38371]
Subsequently on 5/9/2016 I submitted to Jenny (support staff) several
months' QFX files with the "omitted" transactions indicated - they
appear proper as compared to other transactions in the file when
examined with a text reader (QFX is a text file).
I have had to re-submit the information to Scott Meehan (support staff)
on 5/12/2016 and ask for an update on 6/14/2016 and on request of Ethan
(support staff) re-submitted them AGAIN on 6/15/2016.
Since that time there has been no response. Further downloads from the
bank have still included transactions that MD has again omitted. I
expect to download the next statement's transactions at the end of this
week and am prepared to go through the same time-consuming process that
decreases the usefulness of MD for me.
C'mon folks -- THREE different support staff people have had their hands
on my reported problem with no resolution. Now Tony (support staff)
and dwg (support staff) are handling the same problem for Diane. That
makes FIVE.
It's a real bug - Let's get together and get it fixed.
== Phil Kane
Very long time MD user and computer administrator
6 Posted by dwg on Sep 06, 2016 @ 09:30 AM
A slight correction.
Neither Tony nor I are support staff, we are just everyday users who try to help other users where we can.
Diane, as Phil indicated an OFX file is just a test file that is structured in a defined way so you can open it with any program capable of editing files - a word processor, notepad etc. You could then search for the amount of one of the transfers that has not imported.
Pasting that block of text (the transaction will probably be over a number of lines) in here could give us something to look at to see if we can see anything strange about it.
7 Posted by diane.franklin on Sep 06, 2016 @ 12:08 PM
Thanks, Phil and DWG,
Since i have now fixed MD manually, I have no way of knowing which of the
imported files may have downloaded correctly but not have imported
correctly. Now that I know I can open an .ofx file in a Text Edit program,
I can do this the next time the problem happens and send the info to MD
support staff. But I can't go back now to figure out which files may have
downloaded correctly but not imported into MD correctly.
But, since this problem has also happened to Phil many times and to me many
times, it sounds like a possible bug that is worth looking into.
8 Posted by phil on Sep 09, 2016 @ 01:18 AM
No content.
9 Posted by diane.franklin on Sep 09, 2016 @ 01:31 AM
Hi Phil,
What does "no content" mean?
10 Posted by phil on Sep 09, 2016 @ 02:42 AM
On 9/8/2016 6:31 PM, diane.franklin wrote:
Very strange. At that date and time I posted a message and it did have
I will repost it after this one.
== Phil Kane
System closed this discussion on Dec 09, 2016 @ 02:50 AM.
phil re-opened this discussion on Feb 05, 2017 @ 09:24 PM
11 Posted by phil on Feb 05, 2017 @ 09:24 PM
I have been waiting for several months for replies or further
information on two related issues:
Private Issues #38371
Problems #26146
These involve MD failing to import some transactions that exist in the
QFX file but do not appear in the register. The details have been in
the two files referred to. The problem remains month after month, and
did not go away when I updated to MD 2017.
Please update me as to solutions.
Phil Kane
Beaverton, OR
System closed this discussion on May 07, 2017 @ 09:30 PM.