Windows error message while downloading upgrade
I got the message about the 2011 upgrade to build 803. I started the download and got to the "Install Wizard" stage. I get the error message from Windows: Moneydance\Moneydance\appsrc.jar "Could not create this file". What to do?
Current version is Moneydance 2010r3(757)
Java 1.6.0_29
Windows 7 6.1x86
Also when it asks where to install it, I put it in a different directory where the current program is. Should I set up a new folder (same drive), let it go to the same "moneydance" folder or rename it.
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1 Posted by Jessica Little on Nov 09, 2011 @ 01:19 PM
Hi William,
I'm afraid there is a known problem which exists when trying to automatically update Moneydance on some versions of Windows. It is related to the way Windows handles file permissions. Sometimes logging in as administrator allows the update to complete. It is also sometimes necessary to manually modify the permission of the Moneydance directory to ensure that your user has write access. On Windows 7 and Vista, you can try disabling User Access Controls. To do this go to the Control Panel, select System and Security, Action Center, Change User Account Control settings.
However if you don't want to do that you may find it simpler to manually download the latest stable version from this link.
I am sorry for the inconvenience.
Jessica Little
Moneydance Support
System closed this discussion on Mar 31, 2015 @ 03:42 PM.