Split category transactions in foreign currency
I have a problem with recording split transactions (i.e., single payments covering two or more categories) in a foreign currency. While the transaction converts the value into my base currency on the "summary" page (i.e., where the total amount is displayed on the account register), this conversion rate does not carry through into the register where the split transactions are recorded. When I record the appropriate splits the currency rate shown is "1". I didn't think this was a problem, since the total amount on the account register correctly records the value in my base currency. However, when I look at my monthly expenses, the split categories record the amount of the expenses in my base currency, but using the absolute number in the foreign currency. So a split payment of, say, 30,000 roubles is recorded as a 30,000 GBP payment in the expenses I have tried to manually enter the appropriate currency exchange rate in each line item of the split transaction register, but the information is not retained and simply reverts to "1".
Sorry for the long message, but can you please let me know what I am doing wrong?
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