Locale does not show The Netherlands on English OS
My laptop runs on the Dutch version of Windows Vista Home
Premium and has Nederland (The Netherlands) as an option in
My desktop runs on the English version of Windows Vista and does
not show The Netherlands as a locale, see attached screen shot. Is
there a way to opt for Nederland as a locale on a non-Ditch OS?
- locale.png 9.59 KB
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1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 05 Oct, 2009 05:29 PM
The default moneydance locale is the 'current locale', as defined by the operating system. That could be just about any locale, however if Moneydance doesn't have a localization translation for that locale then it will just use US English translation info. If you change the locale in MD to any other locale then they won't be able to change it back to the 'system' locale since that doesn't actually exist in MD.
What this means is that Moneydance will try by default to match to the locale specifed by the host operating system. If Moneydnace doesn't have a translation for the Locale set on the host OS it will use US English even though the option will show whatever was specified by the OS.
I do not believe that Moneydance has a localization translation for Netherlands. However we are open to translation contributions, or even working out a paid translation, if you have any experience and software localization let us know.
I am sorry for the confusion.
Ben Spencer
2 Posted by A.Translator on 05 Oct, 2009 06:46 PM
"I do not believe that Moneydance has a localization translation for Netherlands. " You do. At least, MD does. I am not looking for a Dutch translation, just wondering why MD lets the language of my OS determine my "locale" in MD. This seems to me very bad practice: please just let the user decide what locale and/or language he/she wants to use. There are lots of reasons why people may have a OS in a different language setting than they want most of their other software to be.
Again: I use MD on my laptop, with The Netherlands as "locale". So it is possible, MD does support it. So why cannot use this on my desktop with an English OS? That was my question.
3 Posted by Ben Spencer on 05 Oct, 2009 07:06 PM
I believe we might have a disagreement with the meaning of terms. The Locale option in MD is used to set the language you want to run the software in. Specifying the Locale option in MD translates the software into a different language,
Moneydance does not have a built in local option for "The Netherlands" that option was created dynamically when you first ran Moneydance. It should have the same functionality as the "US english" locale option.
The user can specify which locale option they want to use. However we have to use something as a default option. We use the locale option of the host OS as a best guess to set the default to.
Once again I am sorry for the confusion. I realize this is not exactly intuitive and I assure you you are not loosing anything by not being able to set the Locale in MD on you English OS to "The Netherlands". Setting it to US English should have the same effect.
Ben Spencer
4 Posted by A.Translator on 08 Oct, 2009 07:29 AM
Ok, thanks. It was confusing since the option "The Netherlands" is available on my laptop.