New transaction transfer error
When setting up a new transaction, which is a transfer between accounts they don't seem to work on the Android App. They don't convert between currencies, and as far as I am aware, never have, realise that's a lot of work, can live with that, and correct on the Windows platform, however... just done a transfer, and checked a couple of times, one would expect the function to SUBTRACT cash from the donor account and ADD cash to the receiving account. However it doesn't, it goes the same thing (either add or subtract) on BOTH accounts... which makes no sense at all!!
Looking forward to a fix.
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1 Posted by Ian O on Jul 14, 2017 @ 02:56 PM
Hi Michael,
I have been in contact with the lead developer regarding this issue and he has confirmed the following issues in the current version of the Android app.
1) Updates made on any iOS devices don't show up on an Android until the desktop app syncs.
2) Transfers between accounts seem to have the wrong sign in the "other side" account.
Our lead developer is currently to get these issues resolved. Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience caused. I’ll be sure to notify you as soon as I have an update on this.
Ian O
Infinite Kind Support
System closed this discussion on Oct 13, 2017 @ 03:00 PM.