Moneydance quit unexpectedly
For the past 2 days, whenever I try to open Moneydance, I get the message - " Moneydance quit unexpectedly". I have tried restarting my mac (apple snow leopard) and still get the error message and Moneydance won't open. I have tried updating the Apple software but still no success. Is it something to do with the recent Java update? If so, how do I resolve this? Thank you.
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1 Posted by matthewsigal on 10 Dec, 2009 07:03 AM
I was having the exact same problem! And I can also say that it opened perfectly on my Macbook (running the latest version of Snow Leopard) directly before installing the Java update. As soon as I rebooted after that update, Moneydance crashes on start-up.
To fix this, I opened the Java Preferences (usually in Utilities) and restored defaults for Java Applications under the general tab. Aftre doing that, Moneydance seems to load ok!
Hope that helps!
2 Posted by Siva on 10 Dec, 2009 07:15 AM
It has solved my problem too. Thank you.
Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 30 Apr, 2010 06:07 PM.