problems after upgrading to the latest Moneydance version
It's like my program has gone haywire. When I first opened the newer version and went to my checking account, most of the account columns were so narrow, that I could not see what most of them were. Couldn't even use the cross icon at the top between the columns to widen them as it did not work. The balance column was over half of the sheet in width and there was no way to make that smaller in width. If I tried making the whole page smaller by dragging left at the bottom of the page, all the columns got smaller and the ones on the left all but disappeared again but the balance column stayed very wide. I finally clicked on the button at the top of the screen that enlarges the whole page. That way I could at least see the columns on the left and the little cross at the top between the columns worked to enlarge the columns. I had it all set up but the balance column is still huge with no way to make it narrow. The whole page is much bigger than I want. Many times, when I open it again, all the columns have gone back to the way they were before I fixed the columns. Very annoying. Again, the columns on my left are very very narrow and the cross does not work to move the line between columns. I wish I had never updated Moneydance. I was very happy with the old version. Please help me to get my nice older version back! Is there no way to get rid of this problem?
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Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 17 Dec, 2009 04:31 AM.