Reconcile page not updating

rmmarsh's Avatar


26 Dec, 2009 08:34 PM

Just downloaded MD 2010. When doing a Reconcile, if I do a "New Transaction" from the reconcile page, when I return to the reconcile page, it is not updated. I have to do a Finish Later, and then start the reconcile process all over again from where I left off.

This didn't use to do this in the previous version.

  1. 1 Posted by rmmarsh on 26 Dec, 2009 08:37 PM

    rmmarsh's Avatar

    I forgot to mention, I'm running MD 2010 on an iMac with Snow Leopard OS. Don't know if the problem exists on Windows 7 or not.

  2. 2 Posted by Ben Spencer on 26 Dec, 2009 09:59 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    I am not able to reproduce the problem you are describing. Please try installing the latest preview build 732 and see if that resolves the issue. You can download it from here:


    Ben Spencer

  3. 3 Posted by rmmarsh on 26 Dec, 2009 10:16 PM

    rmmarsh's Avatar

    Hi Ben... just downloaded 732, tested it with 'new' transaction, and it
    still will not refresh automatically. Again, using iMac OS is Snow


  4. 4 Posted by rmmarsh on 26 Dec, 2009 11:20 PM

    rmmarsh's Avatar

    Hi Ben... it was a pilot-error on my part... I was still pointing to the
    old build (723)... works fine in 732... sorry for the inconvenience...


  5. 5 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 28 Dec, 2009 02:53 PM

    Angie Rauscher's Avatar

    Thanks Rolf, please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

    Angie Rauscher
    Moneydance Support

  6. Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 28 Dec, 2009 02:53 PM.

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