Online Banking Set-up - Combo Boxes Not Populating
I had no problem setting up my first institution (Regions Bank). I am no trying to set-up additional institutions. I can see in the console window where the connection is confirming and showing the accounts, they just never show up in the combo-box for me to select and associate with the proper account. Please help?
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1 Posted by Jessica Little on 29 Dec, 2009 04:23 PM
To which institutions are you trying to connect? Are you receiving any error messages? If so, please copy them here.
One possible problem: If the account type that you are downloading doesn't match the account type in Moneydance, nothing will show up in the combo box. For example, if you try to connect a your credit card to a bank account in Moneydance, you will get an empty box. Please make sure that the account types you are trying to download match the types in Moneydance.
I hope that helps. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance, and thanks for your interest in Moneydance!
Jessica Little
Moneydance Support
Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 24 Jul, 2011 07:08 PM.