Bank updated their system, now java 404 exception in Moneydance

modemserf's Avatar


12 May, 2009 03:31 AM


I love MD and have been using it with University Federal Credit Union for years. University Federal Credit Union just completed an update of their system, and now when I attempt to download transactions I get an error: "There was an error communicating with your financial institution. The details of this error are below. A communication or parsing error occurred. This could be the result of a network problem, a proxy error, or misconfigured server. Error Description: HTTP Error:404 Not"

I am able to log in to their new online system via my web browser, so my account info is still correct.

I have tried selecting Online Banking Setup - Change PIN and re-entering my account number and PIN as I use it to log in via my browser, but that returns an invalid password dialog: "Invalid User Id [ESS] for Service Class [myaccountnumber]" I tried entering my account number in several different ways; same result.

I have tried making a new connection to University Federal Credit Union, by selecting it from your list of institutions, but get the same java 404 error. I have looked at "change - manual" to try to change to url from to,, but I don't know what to enter for the other OFX fields.

I am running OSX 10.5 with Java 1.5.0_16. I don't use a proxy. I've tried refreshing the bank info, but get the same result/message. (404 not found) I am not sure how to proceed -- what else should I try?

  1. 1 Posted by modemserf on 12 May, 2009 05:11 PM

    modemserf's Avatar

    repling to myself -- my bank support site says "If you previously downloaded transactions directly using your personal finance manager, you will now need to start downloading transactions from UFCU's Online Banking website..."

    But they also reference a Microsoft Money article on "Converting from a 2-way OFX Solution to a 1-way OFX Solution." That article refers to a way to import statements from within the Money application. Is there a way to connect to my bank and import the OFX files from within Moneydance? Or do I need to go to my bank site first, download the OFX file and open it with Moneydance?

  2. 2 Posted by Brian Adler on 12 May, 2009 09:09 PM

    Brian Adler's Avatar

    Modemserf, UFCU has indeed switched from supporting Direct Connect to only supporting Web Connect. Microsoft Money may have an internal browser that allows you to download a file from within the software. Moneydance does not yet have an internal browser but the result is the same. If you download a file (any type) from your bank's website, you can import it into Moneydance. Sincerely, Brian Moneydance Support

  3. Brian Adler closed this discussion on 12 May, 2009 09:09 PM.

  4. modemserf re-opened this discussion on 13 May, 2009 10:54 PM

  5. 3 Posted by modemserf on 13 May, 2009 10:54 PM

    modemserf's Avatar

    Thank you so much for such prompt and excellent customer service from
    a real person! This new approach works fine, as long as I am careful
    to open the correct MD file first (I have two separate files and the
    one used most recently opens up by default when I download a file and
    open it with Moneydance.) Someday I will tackle trying to clean the
    files up and merge them somehow.

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