QIF import form Quicken completely wrong.
Still looking for a decent MAC money manager. Quicken Essentials for MAC is useless. Long time Quicken Windows user.
I followed the import instructions in the KB/FAQ. I imported the accounts first. Then I imported the data. The data came across totally wrong. The amounts where totally messed up, in some instances by thousands of dollars. The liability section did not bring any current liabilities over.
The reviews I read were indicating the import was seamless. Not sure what I did wrong, but I need to have the import work before I can purchase the application.
Any suggestions on preparing the QIF file or checking it to see what was in it?
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1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 27 Jan, 2010 04:11 PM
I am sorry you are having a hard time with the import. It might be that changing the export options selected when exporting from quicken resolves the problem. Attached is a screenshot of the export option I have found to be correct. PFlease verify that you are using these options and let me knwo if that is of any help:
Ben Spencer
2 Posted by cbmeinhardt on 28 Jan, 2010 04:32 PM
Hello, I am evaluating using Moneydance as a new Mac OSX user (long, long time Windows user previously). I have downloaded the trial version and just tried to import a QIF file from my existing Quicken app. All the account names appear in Moneydance perfectly :-) but there are no transactions. My export screen looks exactly as you have show Ben. Is this a limitation place on the trial version?
3 Posted by Ben Spencer on 28 Jan, 2010 04:39 PM
Hi cbmeinhardt
Please follow the instructions in the following knowledge base article.
My best guess is that you have the option "import account information only" checked on the import window. If you import again with out that option checked you will import the transactions. Be sure to set the sours to from another program on the import window.
Ben Spencer
4 Posted by iona64 on 28 Jan, 2010 07:27 PM
Thanks Ben,
I followed your instructions in the PDF as well as the link in the second post ( I followed that last time). The results are much worse this time. Every amount, regardles of the category is so far off. Example.... My main checking account in quicken shows a balance of $2, 057. On import it shows a balance of $108,007. I would only wish this were true. Part of the problem is that The Quicken opening balance in 2005 is $826.07 and the opening balance on import is the value of my house, which is an asset, listed as being entered in 4/1/92 for $90,000. I could go on, but there is no rhyme or reason to what is coming in. I am not sure how the conversion program identifies the accounts and what belongs in each, but it appears items that do not belong in an account are showing up in the account.
Update, when I export only the one account and bring it into MD, the account import is closer but still not exact. It still shows some invalid entries and all categories are listed as ATM Withdrawal. It is asking me to confirm each transaction going back to 2005.
5 Posted by cbmeinhardt on 28 Jan, 2010 08:18 PM
Thanks Ben, you are correct. By not checking the "import account information only" button all the info now shows. This is impressive :-)
6 Posted by iona64 on 29 Jan, 2010 10:00 PM
I have not given up yet. I did a year end file update and only kept current transactions. I imported and still a problem. Seems that the transfers made in quicken into other accounts, such as credit card and asset accounts are showing up in the bank account and causing the problem. I was finally able to import just the checking account but it populated all of the transfer items which the year end update does not eliminate. So, I wind up with a correct checking account balance but incorrect balances in the other accounts.
I will keep plugging away... I was able to import the bank QFX file, but that only messed it up more... I wish I had seen this at the beginning of the year and started from scratch....
7 Posted by iona64 on 31 Jan, 2010 03:00 PM
Ben, are you there?
Partial success by trial and error.
1. First I made a year end copy in Quicken.
2. Made sure all accounts I wanted transferred where reconciled to date.
3. Exported Qif with recommended information in your step 1
4. Set up accounts in MD and eliminated automatically generated MD accounts.
5. Exported each Quicken account individually.
6. Imported each Qif flile and made necessary adjustments so accounts balanced with Quicken totals
7. Finally able to get mortgage balance to come over correctly.
I will now try to import my investment accounts as described in help section.
I notice that there is a Reminders function similar to the Quicken version which I use extensively. IS there any way to import the reminder list as I have it set up for my pension and SSI deposits as well as mortgage payment?
I have no clue how MD will handle the mortgage reduction schedule ( Principal and Interest) calculations. More on that later.
I really hope I can get this to work as MD looks like it is very similar to Windows version of Quicken. I hope I do not have to waste money on Quciken for the MAC. as they do not provide a trial version.
8 Posted by Ben Spencer on 31 Jan, 2010 05:10 PM
Thanks for the update. While i don't recommend importing qif file one at a time. (it takes longer and its harder for Moneydance to deal with the other side of transfers) If you are able to work around than I continue to do so.
I am afraid that the QIF file specification has no place for transaction reminders and so it is not possible to import these from quicken.
Ben Spencer
9 Posted by iona64 on 31 Jan, 2010 06:39 PM
Unfortunately, it appears to be the only way it works for me. When I import all exported accounts they are not imported correctly. Assets wind up in my checking account, all other bank accounts come in with negative amounts. My future scheduled payments from the checking account that are linked to other accounts (mortgage) increment the total instead of decrementing them.
I suspect there is no way to assume that payments on my mortgage which were set up as transactions are going to work. Do I have to recreate the mortgage from scratch and then add a reminder? I assume I have to do this with my Pension and SS direct deposits. I have used Quicken on the PC for so many years that I am used to it just working. I have no clue whether the MAC version coming out in Feb will import the Quicken data any better than MD. I was hoping to see MD on MacZot or MacUpdate, but if I am going to switch, it has too be very soon....
On 1/31/2010 12:10 PM, Ben Spencer wrote:
10 Posted by iona64 on 27 Feb, 2010 02:08 PM
Well, I gave up on MoneyDance and purchased Quicken Essentials for MAC. Solved all my import problems but what a DUD of a program. So many features missing from Windows version. Direct Connect does not work for may financial institutions that are on their Direct Connect list. No File Save or File Save As, No investment tracking, cannot track savings or regular bonds. Cannot manually enter anything into an investment account. Support is an oxymoron. Spent 1 hour with offshore support and got not resolution to my problem doing a Direct Connect with my brokerage firm. Works in the Windows version but not in the MAC version????? Sent a call support request and they disconnected me as soon as I answered the phone. Useless... Sent it back requesting my money back.
Still trying Moneydance, but still cannot get the import to work. Now that I have basically cleaned out Quicken for Windows so I only have basically this years information, the import simply does not work. The only thing that imported was the Cash account which went into the bank account. I imported only the accounts ..first as described above and that was fine. Then I imported the data and no luck. Set it up just as described above and in the instructions. Total frustration at this point.
The funny thing is I do an export of each account separately, the import works perfectly. Pain in the .... but as mentioned in above posts, it works. Why importing just the entire Quicken account to a QIF does not import incorrectly is like trying to deal with Intuit. ..
11 Posted by Ben Spencer on 27 Feb, 2010 04:07 PM
Without seeing your qif file first had is is hard to understand what is happening here. I am beginning to suspect that different versions of quicken create subtly different qif files perhaps not precisely following the qif specification. It is very strange that some users are able to import a qif generated by quicken seamlessly and others have a hell of a time. If you email me your qif file ([email blocked]) I'll pass it along to one of our engineers and take a closer look at the problem. If you do this please provide a list of balances quicken is reporting.
Ben Spencer
Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 24 Jul, 2011 07:27 PM.