Cannot direct connect for Bank of America credit card
I have both a checking and credit card account at Bank of America (all other states). I successfully set up online banking for checking and downloaded the transactions without issue. I followed the same process for the credit card and at the end of the setup process Moneydance informs me that it has all the information it needs to connect. But, when I try to download the transactions I get a server 2000 error. I checked the account type on the credit card and it is set to credit card. I have a 2008 version of Quicken and the credit card transactions download without issue so I know the account is enabled for Quicken. I'm running Windows 7, 2010 r2 (740).
Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
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1 Posted by Jessica Little on 11 Feb, 2010 03:56 PM
I'm sorry you're having trouble connecting. Could you possibly post the full error message you are getting here? Unfortunately, the 2000 error is very generic, but sometimes the text of the error message provides a clue as to what might be going on.
Jessica Little
Moneydance Support
2 Posted by Andy & Debbie on 12 Feb, 2010 01:11 AM
thanks for the reply. This is the error I'm getting.
On 2/11/2010 9:56 AM, Jessica Little wrote:
3 Posted by Jessica Little on 16 Feb, 2010 04:32 PM
Unfortunately, that message doesn't provide much more information. It looks like you're definitely connecting to BoA, since you're getting the error message back from them. You may need to contact them and verify that your account is correctly set up for direct connections and that you have the correct log in information and account numbers. If you call them, you should tell them that you are using Quicken and not Moneydance, otherwise they will refuse to set up your accounts.
If, after you've spoken with BoA, you still get the same error, let me know and I'll see what else we can do.
Jessica Little
Moneydance Support
4 Posted by Oilcan on 16 Feb, 2010 08:50 PM
Bank of America by Default is Web Connect. Since she has a Checking and Savings Account that are working, she must be paying the monthly fee or have a Business Relationship that waives the monthly fee for Direct Download. All she needs to do is to call Customer Service and have "turn on" direct connect for the Credit Card as they don't do this automatically.
5 Posted by Andy & Debbie on 17 Feb, 2010 11:23 PM
I contacted BOA online rep about the problem as you suggested. They
verified that the account is set up correctly for Quicken direct connect.
They only have setup for Quicken or Microsoft Money. And, since I can
Direct Connect with Quicken 2008 for the credit card account without issue,
there really was nothing more they could do for me. I also verified the
login information is correct since it is the same login information as for
the BOA Checking account. Any further ideas?
-----Original Message-----
From: Jessica Little
[mailto:[email blocked]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 10:33 AM
To: [email blocked]
Subject: Re: Cannot direct connect for Bank of America credit card
6 Posted by Oilcan on 19 Feb, 2010 02:30 AM
My experience with Bank of America is also based on Quicken and the associated problems I had in getting my Credit Cards set-up when they merged their Credit Cards into FIA (formerly MBNA). Although it should not matter with Direct Connect, does your Credit Card have any recent transactions within the last couple of months to download?
I wish I could offer you more suggestions.
7 Posted by Andy & Debbie on 19 Feb, 2010 03:36 AM
I do appreciate the suggestions. And, yes there are transactions to
download, that do downloaded to quicken without a problem. So, you are able
to direct connect to BOA and download your credit card transactions with
-----Original Message-----
From: Oilcan
[mailto:[email blocked]]
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 8:31 PM
To: [email blocked]
Subject: Re: Cannot direct connect for Bank of America credit card
8 Posted by Oilcan on 19 Feb, 2010 03:12 PM
Yes I do, but I never been happy with it and I don't use the card much. I do get transactions - once when it first posts to the Account and the second time when the statement is created. The second set of transactions never match up with the transactions - either in Quicken (I am using Q2010D) nor in Moneydance (which I am very close to adopting as my PFS once they get a couple of problems ironed out). I know in Quicken I did have horrible problems in getting the B of A Credit Card to work with direct connect and I was suprised that it worked right out of the box in MoneyDance.
9 Posted by Jessica Little on 23 Feb, 2010 04:28 PM
Unfortunately, I don't really have any more ideas here either. From Oilcan's description, it looks like it might be something weird on BoA's side. We've definitely gotten reports from customers in the past of problems with BoA that magically resolve themselves. I wonder if maybe when the new month starts they'll reset something and you'll be able to get your transactions?
Jessica Little
Moneydance Support
10 Posted by Andy & Debbie on 24 Feb, 2010 01:43 AM
I tried one more thing... I created a new empty Credit card account and set
up the online banking. And, it connected and downloaded the transactions
without problem. All the on-line setup screens looked exactly as the other
Good news is the problem is resolved. Why it occurred is still a mystery.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jessica Little
[mailto:[email blocked]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 10:28 AM
To: [email blocked]
Subject: Re: Cannot direct connect for Bank of America credit card
Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 24 Jul, 2011 07:27 PM.