Entered several transactions, changed a category name, then later all changes were gone

warren's Avatar


14 Feb, 2010 12:15 PM

I'm using the trial of Moneydance and so far it's great and I'll probably buy it soon.

However, using it today, I entered about 5 or 6 transactions in a credit card account. Then I changed the name of one of my categories (Auto:Service to Auto:Maintenance), and closed the program.

A few hours later I opened it again to add some more transactions, and the category name had reverted and all the transactions I had entered earlier were gone.

Is this a known bug or problem and is there any way I can avoid this happening again? It's really annoying having to go back through receipts to discover which transactions were disappeared.

Moneydance 2010r2 (735)

Java Version: 1.6.0_16
Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.

OS is Linux 64-bit

  1. 1 Posted by warren on 14 Feb, 2010 12:24 PM

    warren's Avatar

    Actually, I had entered transactions in several accounts, and all of the transactions entered in that session were gone.

  2. 2 Posted by warren on 20 Feb, 2010 06:17 AM

    warren's Avatar

    A response from staff would be nice?

  3. 3 Posted by bwells on 20 Feb, 2010 12:36 PM

    bwells's Avatar

    I'm not staff and I don't know that I can assist much, but I'm super paranoid and when I make a lot of d changes, I'll go to FILE>SAVE. Maybe you closed the file before it had a chance to autosave?

  4. 4 Posted by warren on 20 Feb, 2010 12:47 PM

    warren's Avatar

    I've been doing that since then too. Do you mean then that if I close before it auto saves that it doesn't ask to save before closing?


    "bwells" <[email blocked]> wrote:

  5. 5 Posted by bwells on 20 Feb, 2010 01:04 PM

    bwells's Avatar

    I'm not sure, sorry. Hopefully, you'll get a reply from staff soon.

    I have to say that I'd used Quicken since the mid-90s and switched to MD when I moved from PC to Mac. In anticipation of switching to Quicken for Mac, I browsed their discussions and everything I read made me believe it would not be a good fit for me. When I found MD, I thought it would be a better option as I could move cross-platform, and I still have a PC that I need to use occasionally :-(

    Staff response on this forum has improved greatly over the time I've been using it & I give them a lot of credit for that.

    Good luck!

  6. 6 Posted by Noname on 20 Feb, 2010 02:13 PM

    Noname's Avatar

    I'm not from support but a couple of things you may want to try:

    1. After you make changes to a transaction you need to press the 'enter' key on the keyboard (and not just click with the mouse). If you don't do this, you may still be in edit mode and the changes won't be recorded.

    2. You can make sure you always save your file by going to Moneydance > Preferences > General and selecting Save on Every Exit

    3. You can update to the latest build of MD (741) where many bugs were resolved (though not sure this is one of them).

    I can say that I haven't had any saving problems in 741 which I have been using since they released it. There is a bug in the budget report though (where it isn't rolling up multiple entries for a category in a given month) if that would be a problem for you.

    You could try 741 and run it along side your current build to see how it would work for you.

  7. 7 Posted by warren on 20 Feb, 2010 02:16 PM

    warren's Avatar

    Thanks for the advice jbnyt.

    Do you know if there is a changelog of bug fixes between MoneyDance versions?

  8. 8 Posted by warren on 20 Feb, 2010 02:18 PM

    warren's Avatar

    By the way, I just checked the "save on every quit" option and it was already set

  9. 9 Posted by Noname on 20 Feb, 2010 02:28 PM

    Noname's Avatar

    Yes there is. If you go to http://moneydance.com/trac/wiki/Moneydance2010Beta first you'll see the latest builds available for download. You need to scroll down the page and you can see tickets for bugs (fixed and opened) as well as for enhancements and then below that the logs for each build that has occurred. You need to keep scrolling down as it is a long list.

  10. 10 Posted by Ben Spencer on 20 Feb, 2010 06:10 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    Hi Warren

    I am sorry I have not responded sooner. jbnyt has already covered much of what i would have had to say.

    Given that you have the save on every quit option set I can only think of two possibilities.

    1) Did you select Feile save as and save the changes made under a new file name?

    2) Did the program quit unexpectedly. Perhaps you powered off your computer before saving or the program crashed for some other reason?

    Any aditional information with regard to the circumstances when you exited the program would be very helpful.


    Ben Spencer

  11. 11 Posted by warren on 20 Feb, 2010 06:33 PM

    warren's Avatar

    Hi Ben,

    Thanks for replying.

    I closed the program normally, by clicking on the X in the window. It was the only application running at the time other than my web browser, so I am quite sure that it exited. It did not appear to crash and I did not turn off my computer between closing the program and opening it again.

    I have been more diligent with manually saving since this incident and haven't noticed it again. I have purchased the application now, so I will be using it for some time to come. I will be sure to let you know if it happens again.

    Thanks again

  12. 12 Posted by Ben Spencer on 20 Feb, 2010 08:30 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    Hi Warren

    Thanks for the update. Please do not hesitate to contact me if the problem reoccurs. I am sorry for the trouble this has caused you.


    Ben Spencer

  13. Ben Spencer closed this discussion on 20 Feb, 2010 08:30 PM.

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