Is MD just like Intuit?

jp's Avatar


15 Feb, 2010 09:14 PM

I have slowly become more and more frustrated with MD. I started out frustrated with Quicken because of bugs that they acknowledged but after years, chose not to fix. I was initially very excited about MD, but as I have used it for a few years now, I'm noticing the same problems as Intuit's software - problems are acknowledged but never fixed. My current frustrations are:
MD "hangs" and eventually freezes after using it changing numerous transactions - happened in MD08, worse with MD10
The "memo" line gets deleted every time I accept an online transaction
Reporting is confusing and feature-weak
MD does not remember categories for downloaded transactions (used to in MD08, stopped in MD10)
Budget feature does not show categories that were not budgeted, no way to hide 0 balances

I have tried to stick by MD hoping for improvement. But it has been 2 years now of hope. I have stuck with MD because I use it to help with my taxes, but I'm thinking of dropping it all together in favor of Intuit's and just keeping track of my tax info with pencil/paper.

Is there any hope that additional developers will be added in the next 1-2 years to address the numerous bugs with MD?

  1. 1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 16 Feb, 2010 06:58 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    Hi JP

    I realize you are frustrated and I am sorry the long standing feature requests you have made have not been implemented.

    If you are not using the latest preview build (741) I encourage you to download it from the following link:

    I believe the "memo" bug and the transaction auto categorization bug you mention have been fixed in that release.

    You may find the "Detailed Budget Report" extension meets your need for showing categories that have not been budgeted. Install it by selecitng Extensions->Add.

    Currently you can specify to hide an account on the home page if the balance is zero. This is accessed when you endit an accounts properties. However this doesn't effect other places the account is shown in the program. If this feature is important to you I encourage you to vote for the following ticket.

    Can you provide more information with regard to the hanging/freezing problem you are experiencing? Is there anything about the problem that you might be able to tell me that could help me reproduce it?

    We have brought on a additional couple of programmers this year and are considering another in the not too distant future.


    Ben Spencer

  2. jp closed this discussion on 26 Jul, 2010 06:07 PM.

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