Duplicate transactions when importing from Quicken
I'm test-driving Moneydance as a possible replace for Quicken
2007 for Mac. I really appreciate the ability to import an
unlimited number of transactions into the demo version! I've been
reading the discussions for some time now, and attempted to follow
the instructions of first importing the account structure only,
then importing the actual QIF files. I started exporting Quicken
data, one account at a time, and then importing each QIF file. I
have imported just four accounts so far (I have a lot more - I have
data back to 1989), and I see a lot of duplicate transactions. It
looks like every transfer between accounts is duplicated, whether
it was coded as a transfer in Quicken or was made by writing a
check from a checking account to a savings account. In many cases,
I see four copies of the same transaction. With data back to 1989,
it is not feasible to manually remove the duplicates.
Should I be doing something different in the import process? Or is there an automated way to delete the duplicates?
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1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 22 May, 2009 03:09 PM
Hi Faye
There is a limitation in the QIF file format that causes this problem. If you ensure that you select "From Another Application" from the import options. Most of the duplicates should be removed during the import process. MD will eliminate all duplicates with the exact same amount on the exact same date that go to the other account. But the account names from the QIF file have to match the account names in Moneydance. Apart from that, I don't think there is anything we can (safely) do in Moneydance.
Ben Spencer
Ben Spencer closed this discussion on 22 May, 2009 03:09 PM.