Sorting Check Register
I'm using the latest registered Moneydance on an iMac, latest OS.
I cannot make the sort order "stick" when I open the program. I want all transactions in my checking account sorted by DATE, oldest entry first.
I can set this up by clicking on columns but when I shut down
and then open the program, the sort order is different than what I
set up the last time I used the program. This is really annoying.
How do I set up sort so every time I open the program I see the
sort order I want?
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1 Posted by ljb on 19 Feb, 2010 12:19 AM
Problems with column sorting have been discussed, including here, but I'll add my bits. Keep in mind I'm using MD2010 build 741.
Column sort settings are stored in your Moneydance configuration file, not in your data file. There is one setting for each type of account: one for bank accounts, one for credit card accounts, one for loans, one for "miscellaneous" which includes assets. There is also one for investment accounts which does not yet work (possibly related to this bug but that is about scrolling.) This means that all bank accounts will have the same column sort settings; all asset accounts will be the same, and all credit card accounts will be the same.
I've found that in order to get a column sort setting to stick, I have to switch to the top-level account after changing it. I haven't tested other things, like just switching to another account, but I know that if I change settings and quit from that account, the settings do not stick. I don't have to save the data file (since the settings aren't stored in the data file anyway). So if I open MD, go to a bank account, click on the column I want to sort on (and set the direction), change to my home account, and quit without saving, the next time I open MD all my bank accounts are sorted that way.
(Is this the way it is supposed to work? Who knows...)
2 Posted by harry krause on 19 Feb, 2010 02:32 AM
thanks for your detailed response. I'll try what you suggested, if I can follow it. Seems to me that sorting a column and having that sort "stick" is the sort of problem resolved properly early on in a software product's development.
Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 01 May, 2010 06:27 PM.