Foreign Stock Price Input
I'm using MD 2010 r2 for the Mac, on an Intel iMac.
Several of my stocks are foreign ones that the stock price extensions I have don'tl find. So I enter the prices myself at the end of the month, via the "History" button for each such stock.
When I did this at the end of February 2010, the "Securities Detail" screen did not update to show the new stock price. It's stuck on the old one that was entered at the end of January.
How do I correct this, on a permanent basis?
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1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 01 Mar, 2010 03:31 PM
I have been able to reproduce the problem you have described and created a bug ticket for it. Here is the link to the ticket.
I am a sorry this is effecting you.
Ben Spencer
Moneydance Support
2 Posted by William H. Pitt... on 01 Mar, 2010 03:39 PM
OK, but the problem isn't with the "graph" as your ticket says. The graph is fine.
The problem is in the numerical price value given on the stock screen. It's the old one, which means all the totals are based on an old value.
3 Posted by Ben Spencer on 01 Mar, 2010 04:24 PM
Ahh, you are correct. The price shown on the stock screen and the last entry on the graph only get updated if you manually enter an number in the current price field. Simply changing the value of the most recent iten in the history editor does not change the current price. I checked in with the developers and they tell me this is intentional.
Ben Spencer
4 Posted by William H. Pitt... on 01 Mar, 2010 04:40 PM
You seem to have decided to misunderstand my problem as many different ways as you can.
I DON'T "[simply change] the value of the most recent iten in the history editor". I've been manually creating a new entry, with a later date than the last entry. THAT newly created entry doesn't show up numerically on the stock screen; instead, the previous earlier one does.
Now, please try to deal with my issue the way I originally, and now again, described it rather than converting it to something else you can dismiss.
5 Posted by Ben Spencer on 01 Mar, 2010 04:51 PM
I realize this is frustrating. I am sorry that I misunderstood you. It was most certainly not a decision to misunderstand your problem.
When you manually create a new entry are you entering a new price in the "current price" field? The value that shows up on the stock screen as the "current value" is not the entry in the history that has the most recent date. It is the value in the "current price" field in the history window. I spoke with the developers and they tell me that is not a bug. It is the intended behaviour as some users do not want to use the most recent price as the current price all the time. Changing the price of the most recent entry or creating a new entry does not change the "current price" field.
Ben Spencer
6 Posted by William H. Pitt... on 01 Mar, 2010 05:29 PM
OK, I understand. So how should I change the "current price"? Do I need to go to "Edit Securities" in the Tools menu? Or is there another way?
7 Posted by Ben Spencer on 01 Mar, 2010 05:37 PM
On the price history window that you are already familiar with, above the history table is the "Current Price" field. See the attached screenshot. Enter the current price in that field and click ok.
Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 24 Jul, 2011 07:35 PM.