Moneydance stops responding to a keyboard

Andrey's Avatar


Apr 08, 2023 @ 03:35 PM

I have a problem with Moneydance (2023.1, 5006) on Linux (Xubuntu 22.04.2 LTS) stopping responding to a keyboard. I have to close it using mouse and start again. Maybe it's related to me switching back and force between Moneydance and a browser when I enter transactions. The problem started several versions back (I don't remember exactly) and now happens consistently.
Attached is the errlog.txt file.

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  1. 31 Posted by ajbarr on Mar 23, 2024 @ 12:14 PM

    ajbarr's Avatar

    Hi @dwg
    Is there any update on this issue?
    I'm using Kubuntu 22.04.4. 5.15.0-100-generic

    If you don't see the issue on Linux Mint then please install a different desktop to match our setup that is having the problem. I've been using and paying for updates to MoneyDance on Linux since 2007 and am getting frustrated after 10 months of having this issue. I am now using 2023.3 (5064) build and still have the issue.

    My apologies @dwg, I thought since you provided a link to the Moneydance preview that you had something to do with the development of Moneydance.

  2. 32 Posted by dwg on Mar 23, 2024 @ 12:24 PM

    dwg's Avatar

    I'm a user just like you are, I am only reporting that I am not seeing an issue on my own machine.

  3. 33 Posted by Brian on Mar 28, 2024 @ 11:56 PM

    Brian's Avatar

    I'm running Xubuntu 22.04.x LTS and have this problem. Sometimes it works for lots of transactions, other times only 1 or 2. Seems to happen more frequently if switching between monitors (1 usually has Firefox running with YouTube or something, the other is my productivity monitor).

  4. Support Staff 34 Posted by Sean Reilly on May 17, 2024 @ 09:13 PM

    Sean Reilly's Avatar

    Hi Andrey,

    I noticed in your original message that the data file is loaded from the path /home/andrey/mount/crypto/MoneyDance/My Money.moneydance. Seeing "mount" in the path makes me think that your data file is on a remote file system, or maybe just an external drive?

    The delay after recording a transaction sounds liked it could be related to an I/O delay, which can happen if a simple disk write ends up needing to talk to a remote server.

    Could it be that the moneydance file is located on a network share? If so, I'd recommend storing the moneydance file locally and using the "shared folder" sync method to share it across multiple computers.


    Sean Reilly
    Developer, The Infinite Kind

  5. 35 Posted by jjbarratt on May 20, 2024 @ 07:32 PM

    jjbarratt's Avatar

    I had to revert to 2022.6 version for the last 9 months. Then, I just paid to upgrade to 2024.1 5118 and the same problem returned. one or two entries and the keyboard response stops in MD, while still working in other open apps.
    HW keyboard on Lenovo Thinkpad
    Linux Mint 23.1

  6. 36 Posted by ajbarr on Jul 14, 2024 @ 10:27 PM

    ajbarr's Avatar

    I believe I found the issue with the keyboard stopping responding. The issue is something called IBus. You can google IBus to find out what is does but it deals with the keyboard. It seems that IBus causes issues with Java apps, see ,

    In my case, I was using Kubuntu 22.04 and 24.04 and the only reason IBus was installed was because it is required by Zoom. I don't use Zoom much so I removed Zoom and then removed all the software that zoom needed one of which was Ibus. For Ubuntu or Debian based systems, you could remove Ibus by using, sudo apt remove ibus, and then see what else is removed to see what software requires Ibus.

    After deleted IBus, I have had no more issues with the keyboard and Moneydance. I just entered 3 months of transactions without any issue.

    I did see one comment that Ibus is built into Gnome so if you are using Gnome instead of KDE I'm not sure what would happen if you remove Ibus.

  7. 37 Posted by dtd on Jul 14, 2024 @ 11:01 PM

    dtd's Avatar

    Thank you so much for the update - I'm sure IK/MD could use this information to test the keyboard issue, whereas before it was mostly just "no idea and can't be reproduced"...

  8. 38 Posted by cpradio on Sep 01, 2024 @ 08:44 PM

    cpradio's Avatar

    @ajbarr, that solved my issue too! Removing Zoom and IBus did it. Thank you so much!

  9. 39 Posted by Les on Nov 04, 2024 @ 04:55 PM

    Les's Avatar

    I was having the same issue over the last few versions, and I was constantly opening/closing the app to continue using the keyboard. I'm using XFCE so I have no issues removing iBus. I'll report back if things look good at the end of the month.

    For people that need to still use Zoom, I would recommend the flatpak or Appimage version which should not cause conflicts.

  10. 40 Posted by scott.geiger on Dec 01, 2024 @ 05:20 PM

    scott.geiger's Avatar

    I upgraded my version of Linux Mint from 20.3 to 21.3 earlier this week. Started up MD and once again the keyboard stopped responding. Followed the advice above and removed Zoom and exited iBus.

    No lockups and I have been working in MD for at least an hour now. So for me removing Zoom and exiting iBus seemed to be the answer. I didn't remove iBus yet - just exited. I may remove later.

    I do need Zoom for work so will install the flatpak or AppImage.

    Thanks for finding this @ajbarr

  11. System closed this discussion on Mar 02, 2025 @ 05:20 PM.

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