Linux Mint 21.1 with Cinnamon 5.2.7
I recently did a fresh install of Mint 21.1 Cinnamon and Moneydancne 2023-1 (5006) and found that Moneydance, so far, is the only app that does not have the option to "Pin to Panel" when right clicking on the active running icon on the panel. I can "Add to Panel" from the Menu however then the Grouped Window List (GWL) does not work and opens a new icon instead of merely showing the active line under the pinned panel icon.
I've included image (IMG_0001) showing the context menu from right click of other applications which shows and allows the pin to panel and GWL works as expected. As well as an image (IMG_0002) of the context menu from Moneydance without Pin to Panel.
Can anyone explain why this does not work in Mint 21.1, or how I can make it work?
I've reinstalled Moneydance, reset cinnamon and neither made any change.
NOTE: Pin to Panel and GWL works fine on Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon.
- IMG_0001.jpg 127 KB
- IMG_0002jpg 189 KB
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1 Posted by ed.fischer on 18 Apr, 2023 05:55 PM
Sorry its cinnamon 5.6.8
2 Posted by ed.fischer on 22 Apr, 2023 05:50 PM
Troubleshooting using Melange (Looking Glass) for Cinnamon the difference noted is that on mint 20.3 (which again does have the "Pin to Panel" option) the Application name of the window/WMClass is "Moneydance desktop". However, on mint 21.1 the Application listed for the same window/WMClass is <untraacked>.
If this data is used to group windows then it would explain why the Moneydance windows are not being grouped.. Does anyone know how to change the Application <untracked> to "Moneydance desktop"?
System closed this discussion on 22 Jul, 2023 06:00 PM.