Data files not found on mac!
After purchasing the md the program kept asking for my key. When I deleted the previous version I was able to open the program, but it does not open from the data files. Can the files be opened from a Time Machine backup I have tried searching for them, but when I chose the md logo I'm sent back to the new version with no access to my previous inputs. Only thing showing on the select bar next to the apple logo is md there isn't any file, edit, view, etc. etc. etc. Below are some of the screenshots that I had to deal with trying to open the program. This is after I subscribed md +.
- Purchase_m_d.pdf 77.7 KB
- Screenshot_2023-04-19_at_6.14.10_PM.png 41.7 KB
- Screenshot_2023-04-16_at_12.27.40_PM.png 55.5 KB
- Moneydance__Link_to_La_A.pdf 15.8 KB
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1 Posted by dtd on 20 Apr, 2023 05:43 AM
just a user
Your message sounds like you purchased anew, but you refer to previous data files and such. So I'll try to just take this step by step.
You have a key, right? Keys are "keyed" to specific versions - so you need to apply it to when you bought it. You just bought it, correct? So yes, input that into the program you downloaded.
The "Stringutils" bit suggests you may have been using MD for a while, and this was an upgrade. (Conflicting information) - Update all your extensions.
Subscribing to MD+ is irrelevant at this point.
Post again with your results.
System closed this discussion on 20 Jul, 2023 05:50 AM.