Moneydance locks up

Jay's Avatar


03 May, 2023 06:26 PM

My Moneydance began locking up today. When I enter into the register for my checking account and try to edit a transaction, when I get to the Category field and double-click on the " - # splits" that shows the present number of splits, the application locks up and beeps each time I try to click on that field, or any other place in the Moneydance application.

I recently upgraded to the latest version (and am up-to-date), but it is not the new version that is causing the problem, because it was working fine for some time before this problem cropped up.

I have restored from a backup (from before this problem manifested) into a new account set. I have done this multiple times, but the same problem exists no matter how many times I create a new account set.


  1. 1 Posted by dwg on 03 May, 2023 10:04 PM

    dwg's Avatar

    I'm a fellow user.

    If you are using windows when this happens try using the key sequence ALT SPACEBAR M then try repeatedly using the arrow keys, and probably the left arrow, to see if the split transaction window comes into view.

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Maddy on 04 May, 2023 03:40 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Hi Jay,

    I can see you’ve received a reply from one of our knowledgeable Moneydance customers. As an alternative to this useful tip, you could apply this Toolbox fix:

    Firstly, you should navigate to Extensions->Manage Extensions and install the Toolbox (v.1057)

    Launch the Toolbox and select Update Mode

    Finally choose Menu: General Tools. Update Functions-> Reset Window Display Settings and restart Moneydance!

    I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  3. 3 Posted by Jay on 05 May, 2023 01:13 PM

    Jay's Avatar

    Thanks a million to both of you. I never thought about the possibility that there was a screen "off-screen". Problem solved!

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Maddy on 05 May, 2023 01:26 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    You are welcome!
    I'm very pleased to hear that.
    I'll close this discussion for now, but do not hesitate to contact us again, if you need further assistance.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  5. Maddy closed this discussion on 05 May, 2023 01:26 PM.

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