Reminders Not Being Entered as a Transaction

Bill's Avatar


27 Sep, 2023 12:25 AM

I've created transaction reminders. I selected one that appeared yesterday and entered "Record Next Occurrence (9/25/2023)". I updated the date to be a week or so in the future, and also updated the payment amount. I hit return, MD rings, and the reminder greys over. I assume I'm set, but when I look in my checking account it is nowhere to be found, and the bottom-line amount is unchanged. This has occurred several times now on both Credit and Debit entries. Any ideas on why this is happening and is there a way to prevent it in the future? Thanks,

  1. 1 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 27 Sep, 2023 05:31 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Normal reasons:

    1/ the reminder general reminder and not a transaction reminder.

    2/ the account is the wrong account (easy to miss as the option sits above the details and can be missed and thus the default wrong account is used)

    3/ you have a filter on your transaction register that’s hiding the new txn.

    The list-future-reminders extension might help you?

    Send secreenshot of the reminder setup screen

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Maddy on 27 Sep, 2023 02:29 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Hi Bill,
    Thank you for contacting Moneydance support.

    When creating a Transaction Reminder selecting “Auto-Commit” will enter the transaction in the appropriate account register a set number of days before the transaction is scheduled.

    If the Auto-Commit box is not checked when you create your Transaction Reminder, the transaction will not be applied to your register until/unless you manually apply the reminder, as outlined here

    Additionally, can you navigate to File->Preferences->Network? Is the Auto-commit Reminders (applies to the current file on this computer) option checked?

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  3. 3 Posted by WILLIAM C on 28 Sep, 2023 12:55 AM

    WILLIAM C's Avatar

    I'm aware of the first two. The third yes, the option is checked. What does that mean? I ran into an auto-commit issue, but it was done when I manually committed (entered) the transaction. The 4-5 times I've had this problem after that were not set to auto-commit. Thanks

  4. 4 Posted by WILLIAM C on 28 Sep, 2023 01:02 AM

    WILLIAM C's Avatar

    1. These were transaction reminders. I updated the debit amount with each of them.
      2. This was the first thing I checked. It was going into / out of the correct account
      3. This was a problem in another question, but not here. The account bottom line is unchanged, and I see all future transactions.
    Not sure what "list-future-reminders extension" means. Thanks

  5. 5 Posted by dwg on 28 Sep, 2023 01:24 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    I'm a fellow user

    list-future-reminders is an extension that you install using the Extensions --> Manage Extension menu option.

    It provide many options to help you manage and view reminders.

  6. System closed this discussion on 28 Dec, 2023 01:30 AM.

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