Change in MD functionality after upgrading related to categories
I've just upgraded to latest version and tried to import omx transactions - I'm confused why it doesn't give the option for each transaction to show category or give option to change - it imports all as unknown and seems the only way to change is to do a bulk modify. Please can you clarify new behavior/what should happen?
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1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 22 Mar, 2010 05:48 PM
Hi Mark
Here is the relivent section formt he new documentation. Please let me know if you need any further assistance.
Ben Spencer
Accepting Downloaded and Imported Transactions into the Register
Once you have downloaded or imported new transactions you will want to review and accept them (or “confirm” them) into your register. At this time you may want to assign a category, merge with an existing transaction or simply accept the transaction as it appears.
Identifying Downloaded and Imported Transactions
Downloaded and imported transactions are placed in your account's register by date of transaction and so may be dispersed throughout the register. There are two ways to easily identify new transactions. Open the register and
1.Click the Unconfirmed button. At the top of the register are a series of buttons. By choosing the Unconfirmed button Moneydance will only display those transactions which have the blue dot and are not yet confirmed by you.
2.Look for the “blue dot.” All new transactions have a blue dot in the right of the Description field.
Understanding Downloaded and Imported Transaction Data
When a downloaded or imported transaction appears in the register it usually will have some basic information included such as a transaction date, description and amount. It may contain other information such as a check number or memo. The first time you bring it into the register you may want to manually change the description, add a memo or even choose to categorize a new transaction. Moneydance will “learn” these changes and associate them with similar future transactions. All this can be done prior to confirming the transaction.
Modifying Downloaded and Imported Transactions
You can modify or delete transactions as seems appropriate for your records. Doing this prior to confirming the transaction may prove most efficient.
To modify a transaction before confirming, just double-click on the transaction to open the Edit mode. You can now make changes to any field in the transaction. Press the Enter key on your keyboard to exit the edit mode and return to the confirming process. (Note that if you click on the “OK” button you will not exit the edit mode and any changes you made will not be saved.) To delete the transaction, click once on the transaction to highlight it and then press the delete key on your keyboard. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the transaction. If you are sure you do, then click the OK button.
MD Tip: If you realize after you have modified or deleted a transaction that you made a mistake you can use the “Undo” option in the Edit menu found running along the top of the screen. See Chapter 3 for more about using “Undo.”
Matching Downloaded and Imported Transactions
Once you have reviewed and modified your transactions you are now ready to accept them into the register through the confirmation process. With this process you are formally entering transactions into the register.
MD Tip: Moneydance attempts to recognize and auto-categorize transactions with similar payees and amounts, so once you have manually assigned a category to a transaction or changed it's description you can expect Moneydance to suggest the same category and/or description for similar transactions. To have Moneydance automatically merge matching transactions go to Moneydance -> Preferences -> Network and check the “Automatically Merge Downloaded Transactions” option.
The Matching Process
When you highlight an unconfirmed downloaded or imported transaction a dialogue box will appear at the bottom of the register. In this box a list of transactions will appear. The first line in this display will be the description and memo for the transaction as it was originally received. Moneydance uses this original description to begin offering matches.
Highlighted below this will be suggested options for you to choose how to handle the transaction. There may be several transactions displayed so you may need to use the scroll bar to the right to review all the options.
The options Moneydance offers are:
Original. Accept the transaction in it's original format as Moneydance has received it. It is the first option in the listing centered in the middle of your screen.
Merge. Moneydance has identified a direct match to a transaction which already resides in your register. This usually means there was a match on the transaction date, description and/or amount. By accepting the Merge option you will, in effect, be deleting one of the transactions so that you have only one entry in the register for this transaction.
Categorize. Moneydance will usually be displaying several similar transactions that are already in your register with different assigned categories and descriptions. You can select the transaction which offers the description and category which you would like to apply.
Revert. Moneydance has identified a similar transaction that was categorized with a different description and/or category at another time in the register.
If the Moneydance suggested option is the action you wish to take just click he Accept button at the lower left of the register or press Command-Enter (Control-Enter) on the keyboard. If you want to choose a different option just highlight it and follow the same process to Accept.
Once you have accepted the transaction into the register the blue dot disappears and is replaced with an “i” signifying that the transaction has been confirmed but not “reconciled (cleared).” For more information about reconciling your account see Chapter 4: Balancing Accounts Using the Reconcile Tools.
Suggested Workflow for the Matching Process
To match transactions in Moneydance try this suggested workflow:
1.Click the Unconfirmed button at the top of the register to display your transactions.
2.Select the first transaction by clicking once to highlight.
3.Review the suggested transactions in the dialogue box at the bottom of the register.
4.Select the transaction with the option that fits your needs and Accept it into the register.
5.Continue through your list until all the transactions have the blue dot replaced by an “I” in the Unconfirmed list.
6.Click the “All” button to see all the transactions in your register.
MD Tip: If you need to stop the confirmation process at any time you can resume from where you left off by clicking the Confirm button and finish resolving your unconfirmed transactions.
Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 24 Jul, 2011 07:42 PM.