Split transactions - prefilling remaining amount
Let's say I have a $100 transaction and want to record $36.72 in one category and the remainder in another category. In Quicken, if I enter $36.72 in the first split line, the second split line prefills with $63.28 (assuming I've already entered $100 as the amount for the entire transaction). It does not appear to me that Moneydance does this, or else I haven't figured out how to do it.
I use this feature a lot in Quicken. For example, if I buy a bunch of stuff at Target, most of the items purchased will fall in my Household Supplies category, but maybe one item is a gift. When splitting the transaction, I enter the amount of the gift item first, and then Quicken computes the amount of the remaining items for me.
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1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 22 Jun, 2009 05:33 PM
Hi Kathy
I really like this suggestion. Thanks for making it. I have created an enhancement ticket in our issues tracking system based on this suggestion. Here is the link:
If you register and log into the trac system you can vote to increase the priority of this ticket.
Ben Spencer
Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 24 Jul, 2011 06:48 PM.