Help Suggestions
I am currently evaluating Money Dance. It seems competent enough, but it's pretty rough around the edges. Here are some suggestions for a more pleasant user experience:
1) The Help window should not be a modal dialog. For example, I click on the help topic for setting preferences. It tells me to use the File -> Preferences menu, and I do so. I start entering selections in the Preferences dialog, but when I go back to the help window, to scroll down to the next section, the computer beeps at me, and the help window does not respond. Apparently, Money Dance can only have one active window at a time. Please make the help window a modeless dialog, so I can scroll through it (while another dialog window is open.
2) I have not made an exhaustive test, but I have yet to be on a help screen where the Forward button was enabled. This means, every time I explore a topic, I have go go back to the index to find the next topic. The Forward button ought to take you to the next topic in a chapter (the only place it makes sense to disable the Forward button is on the last topic in the chapter). This leads me directly to my next suggestion, which is,
3) The help window Back button should take you back to the place where you were. Instead, it puts you at the top of the help window. It is frustrating to have to start the search for help over every time I want to advance to the next topic in a section. The computer should be remembering these things, so I don't have to.
4) The help window should have a search function.
Also, while I am on the topic of help, the search button on the forums is useless. I typed in "ETrade" and was presented with three pages of links, NONE of which EVEN MENTIONED ETRADE :(
Now that Microsoft has decided to kill MS Money, I am evaluating replacements. Money Dance was mentioned in LifeHacker, so I am sure you will be seeing a lot of interest in your product. MS Money had it's share of problems, but at least it had a half-way decent help system.
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1 Posted by Brian Adler on 24 Jun, 2009 05:51 PM
Thank you for your suggestions. The search function in the forums was a temporary issue that has been resolved.
Moneydance is able to have as many windows/accounts open as you like (right click to open a new window).
We are working to completely re-vamp the help menu and getting started resources. In the meantime, the forums provide lots of information and resources. Moneydance has many features and abilities that currently might not be immediately apparent. We are working to make all of its functionality more clearly available.
On a positive note, Moneydance never sunsets current versions and often provides upgrades without additional cost. Additionally, refunds are available at any point in the future for whatever reason.
Best wishes,
Brian Adler
Moneydance Support
2 Posted by NealMcB on 09 Feb, 2010 07:57 PM
Thanks for your response. In the meantime, is there any way to just read sequentially thru the Help screens - "Welcome to Moneydance"? I.e. a pdf version, or web pages, or ANYTHING other than an interface where I have to go BACK and remember where I was and find the next thing?
3 Posted by Brian Adler on 09 Feb, 2010 09:54 PM
Yes, you can download it here:
4 Posted by NealMcB on 10 Feb, 2010 01:06 AM
I was also frustrated with this. So I took the "moneydance.jar" file which is a zip archive and unzipped it and found the documentation as html web pages inside. I am reading it with my web browser. I get search, multiple windows, etc.
The index file is com/moneydance/apps/md/view/resources/help/us_en/index.html
5 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 10 Feb, 2010 02:44 PM
I have attached a PDF version of our help documentation. I have found this document to be the simplest way to navigate the Moneydance help document. I am unsure if you are letting us know that the documentation in html format was better or worse for you (in comparison to a PDF), if you would be willing to clarify I would appreciate it. This would assist us as we work to create the best experience possible for our users. I apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance,
Angie Rauscher
Moneydance Support
6 Posted by NealMcB on 12 Feb, 2010 08:49 PM
Thanks for the PDF version - good if I really want to print it (which I don't). But the selection of PDF viewers is much worse than the selection of web browsers, and I do prefer html - easier to navigate, easy to copy/paste, easy to have tabs open with multiple sections, easier to search, easy to refer to a specific section via URL, more efficient, etc.
7 Posted by Angie Rauscher on 15 Feb, 2010 05:18 PM
Thank you for this information, I will add it to our list of potential improvements to the Moneydance help document.
Angie Rauscher
Moneydance Support
Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 15 Feb, 2010 05:18 PM.