iPhone sugestions
I recently found Moneydance after reading the comments section on CNet's new about MS killing MS Money. I stuck with Money mainly because of an old program for the PalmPilot called UltraSoft Money. This was an incredible app that I have yet to replace. The ease of input was what attracted me. I personally could care less about analyzing my budget and all that from my phone or PDA. I simply want the ability to enter receipts on the go so I don't pile 4 weeks worth in my wallet and in my laptop bag for later entry. When I switched to WinMo I was forced to drop Ultrasoft Money and go with Microsoft's inhouse app which wasn't as easy to use and was buggy. Then MS dropped this app but shortly after a version of Ultrasoft Money came out for WinMo. The WinMo version was was written in dotNet CF and was slooooooow and tried to do to much stuff without focusing on the most important thing which is fast and efficient entree. So now I have an iPhone and I am on the hunt again for a good mobile solution and have yet to find one. So far the best I have found is PocketMoney. PocketMoney can export QIF files over WiFi which I can then import into MS Money or Moneydance. I wish it was two way though so all my payees and memorized categories were stored on the phone to make entree quicker. With UltraSoft money I would type a few letters and then it would fill in the category and dolor amount from the last transaction.
So if I had to make a suggestion it would be to get a hold of a Palm emulator (if it's still available) and a copy of Ultrasoft Money and try to duplicate it. :)
I also suggest letting me beta test it. Hehe.
Oh also give us the ability to keep more then one iPhone is sync. This was possible in Ultrasoft Money also. My wife and I both used it.
Thanks for your great product. It is the only bloat free finance app out there. Keep up the great work!
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1 Posted by Ben Spencer on Jun 17, 2009 @ 01:28 PM
Hi Noel
I had lunch with the lead developer on Monday. In between discussion on support site issues and next release features he pulled out his iPhone and showed off a working version of the coming Moneydance iPhone app. He expects to make it available to a select few for a private beta any day now. I have installed pose (Palm OS Emulator) on my machine and downloaded Ultrasoft Money. I'll be sure to take a look at it when I am beta testing Moneydance for the iPhone.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Ben Spencer
2 Posted by Mitch McCann on Dec 31, 2009 @ 11:56 AM
I would very much like to participate in testing of an iPhone app for moneydance. Is this something that is still being worked?
3 Posted by Carol Hogarth on Jan 02, 2010 @ 09:40 AM
Me too, I would also be interested in testing Moneydance for iPhone.
I have just installed your demo version and am currently in the process of testing it out on my PC as a possible replacement for Microsoft Money. If I could also synch it using my iPhone I think I would be more than happy!
4 Posted by Ben Spencer on Jan 02, 2010 @ 09:34 PM
The Iphone app is essentially ready. We are now going through the paper work necessary to release it.
Ben Spencer
5 Posted by carol.hogarth on Jan 03, 2010 @ 01:49 PM
Hi Ben
That's great- thanks for your reply.
I shall await it's release with eager anticipation! Is there anywhere on
your web page which will give me an idea of it's features and how it will
Also, are you intending at any time to add in full support for Online
Banking for UK Banks?
Carol Hogarth
-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Spencer
[mailto:[email blocked]]
Sent: 02 January 2010 21:34
To: [email blocked]
Subject: Re: iPhone sugestions [Suggestions]
6 Posted by Ben Spencer on Jan 04, 2010 @ 05:10 PM
I don't have a link to a detailed description of the iphone app features available. It will be free when it comes out so you can just try it for your self and see at not cost.
As for the British banks, unfortunately its up to the banks to implement OFX servers for us to connect too. We would love to directly download transactions from these banks and until they implement OFX servers there is no way for us to do so. I encourage you to contact your banks customer service department and let them know you would like them to implement such a service.
Ben Spencer
7 Posted by Shawn Geraghty on Mar 08, 2010 @ 06:52 PM
Can someone provide an update on when the iPhone app will be ready?
8 Posted by Ben Spencer on Mar 08, 2010 @ 06:55 PM
The iphone app is currently undergoing approval by the US gov for export. Once it is approved we will submit it to the apple app store. If you regester for the RSs feed on our blog you will get notified when it comes out.
Ben Spencer
9 Posted by Shawn Geraghty on Mar 09, 2010 @ 02:34 AM
Thanks for the follow-up. And thanks for the RSS link. I've subscribed and will look forward to the updates/news.
Ben Spencer closed this discussion on Mar 27, 2010 @ 08:57 PM.