Categories and sub categories
As a ex-MSMoney user - one of the things I miss which I'm sure Moneydance could do, is to recognise subcategories as well as categories. (Or does it already - can't find how to do it though...?)
For example, for entering a Fuel transaction for my car, I have to enter Car as the category, apparently then I need to enter a colon(:) for either the subcategory to be suggested, or for me to enter it, which in this case would be Fuel. What I would like to do is just start typing the subcategory Fuel. Alternatively I must make Fuel a main category. (Not useful - I have more than one type of road transport.) I appreciate that if I am entering a Payee already saved, then the previous transaction then is suggested, which is great if it is Fuel - not always the case.
Finally, why are the Payees not reconised throughout the whole program - at the moment it seems that even though they have already been paid in one account - they are not remembered for payment by another account - they are treated like new payees, and only remembered once entered in that account.
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1 Posted by Brian Adler on 21 Jun, 2009 06:49 AM
You can enter as little as one letter of the parent category (and then the autofill will provide the rest), and then you can add the colon and as little as one letter again for the sub-category. In the case of "automotive" only "au:" needs to be entered for it to move on the to subcategory. So "automotive:fuel" can be entered with only "au:f" entered.
I see the logic of wanting to be able to begin with the subcategory, but this is relatively few keystrokes as is. Please do make an enhancements suggestion request in "trac" (so it can be voted on), though if you would like to see it changed. Here is the URL:
I can understand also that it would make sense for payees to be recognized across all accounts. We may be able to add this to a future release of Moneydance if you add it as a suggestion also (in trac).
Brian Adler
Raimund Buchholz closed this discussion on 17 Dec, 2009 01:23 AM.