A cleaner Side Bar
I appreciate how minimalist and streamlined the Moneydance interface is. But one thing I've been wondering about, is why does each individual account have an icon/badge assigned to it? Can accounts under the same Account Type have different badges? If not, it seems somewhat redundant, given they are members of the same Account Type.
My suggestion is a cosmetic one - To have to Account Type carry the icon/badge, and remove them from each individual account.
Consider these two screenshots. The first one is an example of the current sidebar, and the second one is a mock up of what it could look like given my suggestion.
- BusySidebar.png 34.1 KB
- CleanSidebar.png 26 KB
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1 Posted by -Kevin N. on 23 Nov, 2017 09:25 PM
Hi vv,
I tend to agree with you that there is little need for all of these icons.
MD 2011 and MD 2012 each did away with them. I'm not sure in which version that they made their return.
I think that the 'clean-up' could be taken one step further in removing the word (Memorized) from memorized graphs and reports. Maybe replacing it with a simple (M)
As it stands, some memorized reports/graphs get truncated with an ellipse (...) just to accommodate the (Memorized) moniker.
-Kevin N. (not a member of MD support)
2 Posted by Ken Bolton on 03 Jan, 2018 11:53 AM
I agree with both suggestions. The mock up sidebar looks great. Alternatively, it would be nice to replace individual icons with an image the user assigns (with jpg?). This would permit institutions' logos to be displayed and make it easier to identify a particular account.
By the way, what "visual improvements to sidebar" were introduced in 2017.3?
3 Posted by tonyt on 03 Jan, 2018 12:17 PM
I customised my sidebar so that the Account Icon tint was the same as the Sidebar BGround colour. Not ideal, but a halfway house type of solution...
4 Posted by Ken Bolton on 03 Jan, 2018 12:32 PM
Good idea.
Support Staff 5 Posted by Ethan on 05 Jan, 2018 08:26 PM
Thanks for your suggestions. I've created and attached suggestion tickets for this issues for our developers to consider. We'll post any updates on these issues to this thread.
Moneydance Support
System closed this discussion on 06 Apr, 2018 08:30 PM.