Adding banks
I recently purchased Moneydance for my partner and I to use on our computers. Your software is genius, since I'm a Mac girl and she has a PC. Now we can both use the same software which is great. However, I have noticed that neither of the financial institutions we are with are listed in the online list. I have already contacted my bank about this and will have her do the same. But if you could please look into adding Partners FCU and Orlando FCU to the list that would be great.
Thank you.
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1 Posted by Brian Adler on 21 Jun, 2009 06:24 AM
It seems that neither of the banks that you mention support direct ofx connections which 3rd party software requires to establish direct connections. It is still possible to import a file into Moneydance downloaded from your bank's websites. I will research further if this is in fact the case that your banks don't support this. If it is true that they do not and you are able to persuade them to (add ofx direct server support) we would be happy to add them,
Brian Adler
Raimund Buchholz closed this discussion on 17 Dec, 2009 01:23 AM.