Sorely Needed Improvements
Moneydance's biggest selling point is that its users keep control of their financial data. Mobile now plays an even greater role in users lives. There are a couple of things that InfiniteKind should change about the mobile app that frankly currently make the mobile app less than useful. For many users, the whole point of the mobile app is to get complicated purchases in quickly so we can categorize them before we forget. Everyone knows the category for Starbucks as it downloads automatically. A CostCo receipt with 30 things.... that's different. The mobile app doesn't help because it's difficult, almost impossible, to use for complicated splits.
Changes to the mobile app in order of gain/effort:
1. The mobile app should allow the user to enter the total amount and the mobile app should prompt what is left as the user enters each split amount. Try entering a receipt with 30 items and 3 categories with the current mobile app.
2. The mobile app should have an easy way for the user to perform simple math in an amount field.
3. When entering a split, why force the user to delete the string "$0.00"? It's just wasted effort for your user base.
The last request is that we should be able to snap a picture of the receipt and add it to the mobile transaction. I get that this might be more difficult that in sounds, so I've put this last. But, it's a game changer for users.
Finally, If you do find you can't keep up with mobile development. Consider open sourcing that part of your application ecosystem. There are ways to retain control in the app stores and there are plenty of people who would fix these things and send you pull a request.
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1 Posted by djlauria on 14 Apr, 2018 07:38 PM
Seconded here; I think these are all valid requests. In addition, I would like to see it work with any online storage, or at least have an option for iCloud Drive. I stopped using the mobile app because it was literally the only reason I was running Dropbox.
System closed this discussion on 14 Jul, 2018 07:40 PM.