Place holder accounts
I've tried lots of similar software before zeroing down to MoneyDance.
One thing that I miss very much from GnuCash is the feature of marking an account as a "Place Holder" which acts as a mechanism to group all related accounts. No transactions are allowed for the same. Clicking on the parent could either expand the children set or it can drill down further into some useful information page, similar to investment account screen.
Though it can be almost achieved in MoneyDance by creating a set of Parent-child accounts, but one can still accidently insert transactions into the holding account and mess up things.
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1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 26 Jun, 2009 02:25 PM
I really like this suggestion and have had at least one conversation with the developer about implementing something like this. I have created a ticket in the trac system we use to manage suggestions and issues. Here is the link:
If you register and log in to trac you can vote to show support for this ticket. The more votes an issue gets the higher its priority and more likely it will get implemented. I have voted for it myself.
Ben Spencer
System closed this discussion on 31 Mar, 2015 03:30 PM.