Show Documents Folder function issues
The Show Documents Folder function (under Menu) only shows the default location of the documents folder. If, like me, you have changed your documents folder location, it still shows the default location - where there may or not be some Moneydance files, but definitely is not the location where your file actually is. Due to the confusion that this can cause, I think that either this function should be re-named to "Show Default Documents Folder" or the function should show both the default location and any user defined location. Ideally it would only show the location of the file currently being viewed, wherever that is.
When using a user defined location for the Moneydance file, the full path of the file is shown at the top of the screen. This is helpful. But making the Show Documents Folder function better defined would help more.
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1 Posted by Henry on 16 May, 2018 05:49 AM
Thank you for contacting us.
You are correct, the is confusing, when you go to Help > Show Documents Folder, it opens the default folder, while your files can be located anywhere.
There's an existing ticket in our ticketing system with a suggestion to change this, so I've attached it to this discussion and the developers will be looking into it.
Infinite Kind Support
System closed this discussion on 15 Aug, 2018 05:50 AM.