Improve the Import Interface
Hi. I've just switched from iBank, largely because the developers seemed more interested in making the UI fancy looking, rather than functional. That said, their import function was very good, whereas Moneydance is VERY confusing and inflexible. I have to look at 3 things to see what is going on: the highlighted row (which is matched), the dropdown item (which is in a different font), and the top incoming item in the import list. Trying to figure just what is going to happen is not intuitive at all (If I say delete, will it delete the current highlighted transaction?). Please make this this better. Check out these guys : They do some very fancy matching.
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1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 03 Jul, 2009 12:57 PM
Hi Brett
I agree the import process can be confusing at times. Thanks for the suggestion. There are changes coming to the import process with the next release.
Ben Spencer
Angie Rauscher closed this discussion on 24 Jul, 2011 06:49 PM.